Veiled Kingdom

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After I turned down Corrin, I've seen her with Silas quite often. As if trying to refill that hole I left in her heart. As I said before, they make a good tag team and quite the power couple. Once we leave the Astral Plane, we arrive back at the Bottomless Canyon. "Okay everyone. Here we are. The sky is changing." Corrin said. "What now?" Ryoma asked. "Now...we jump." Corrin said. "What?! Corrin, it's called the Bottomless Canyon for a reason. There is no bottom." Takumi said. "Trust me. I know it sounds like a lot, so I'm going to tell you all here." She said. "Wait Corrin! The curse!" Azura stopped her. "I know." She said. "What curse?" Xander asked. "To put it simply, I'll vanish if I tell you here. That's why I'm trusting you and Ryoma to lead when I'm gone." She said. "No." Ryoma said simply. "What? Why not?" Corrin asked. "We're here because of you, Corrin." Ryoma said. "Ya big goofball! They don't want you to ask nicely. They want you to order them to jump." Scarlet said. "She's right. If you hadn't trusted us like you did, me, nor Prince Ryoma, would be here now." Xander said. "Okay. Everyone! Let's go! We jump!" Corrin commanded, and everyone cheered, and ran forward, jumping into the canyon. I followed after Takumi and jumped in, letting the wind hit my face.

Once we land, I couldn't see Corrin anywhere. I look around and see Xander, also looking for her. "Xander!" I call, and run up to him. "Hm? Oh. Nanu was it? I believe this is the first time we meet." He said. "Yes. Nanu. CPU of another world." I said, and shook his hand. "What's a CPU?" He asked. "I'll tell you later." I say, and see Ryoma running past us. "Over there! Let's go!" I call, and run after him, Xander following close behind. We find Corrin fighting some Vallite soldiers, and she took out an entire group of them. "C'mon! Get ready to fight!" Corrin called.

The battle was on a bunch of floating islands, so I used my HDD to fly about the map. Everyone else who wasn't a flyer had to use these warp pads to travel around and activate Dragon Veins. Since I wasn't of royal blood, I could only kill any enemies that come at me. The place was flooded with Vallite soldiers, so taking them all out was near impossible. To win, we had to defeat the boss, which could only be done once all seven of the Dragon Veins were activated. I notice that the boss was the same mage that chased us out the first time we were here. A Ninja threw a shurikin at me, and I dodge the attack, killing it in one shot. Once all the Dragon Veins were activated, I made my way to the warp pad to take me to the boss. I fly past all her bodyguards and start an attack. "Heheh. On behalf of my king, I welcome you to our veiled kingdom. Now, it is my job to see you out." She said. I fly up, and slash down at her, dealing 17 damage. She manifested a purple rabbit spirit and sent it running to me, but I dodge it and go in for the kill. "You're not going to like this." I say, and fly back, and shout. "Million Scars! Critical style!" I shout and deal about 321 damage. This attack sent her flying off her horse, and she hit the ground. "Ugh. You are much stronger than you look." She said.

Corrin, Leo, Xander, Ryoma, and Takumi ran into the room, and surrounded her with me. In a matter of seconds, she vanished into a cloud of purple smoke. "Damn! She got away." Corrin said. "Vanishing into thin air. How unnerving." Leo said. Soon, Azura warped in, and walked up to us. "So, Azura, where are we?" Ryoma asked. "We are in the kingdom of Valla." She said simply. "Valla? I've never heard of a world like this." Xander said. Ryoma said nothing. "I will explain more soon. Let's go." Azura said and we left. As we left the area, Ryoma stopped and looked around. "Where is Scarlet?" He asked. "Scarlet! Are you here?!" He called for her. "Ryoma. Scarlet is...over this way." She said, and led us to her limp body. "No!" Ryoma shouted and held her in his arms. "She died trying to protect me." She said. "Shh! Not another word. Just promise me...that we will win this war once this is over." Ryoma said. "Yes. I promise." Corrin nodded.

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