I sighed heavily before tapping the counter marble surface, "Well, I was over Violet's apartment." I didn't go any further than that, even though Violet and I didn't do anything inappropriate.


"What do you have planned for today?"

Mike took three plates from the cabinet and set them down side by side. "Nothing, probably lay around. Why?"

"Well, I want to take you and Neavia out. Go to Times Square and do some shopping, maybe go see a play." I have enough money saved up to do those things, it's been awhile since I took them out.

Mike was silent for a few seconds as he piled our plates with food, "Okay."

I almost did a victory jump from his answer, "Great."

"Breakfast is ready, by the way." He set two plates on the counter, one with a huge proportion of food and another with a small proportion.

"You do realize Neavia has a huge appetite like a grizzly bear."

"I know, the small size is for you. One bite and you're full." Mike teased while walking out the kitchen with his plate and also Neavia's.

Later that morning, we were all dressed and out the door. We took the train to Times Square and immediately walked into the Toy's R Us since Neavia was whining about. Not that her whining actually forced me to walk into the store, I just wanted to buy her another toy since mom and dad barely buy her any toys nowadays. They say she has too many, in which she does.

Neavia tugged me along like a rag doll, pointing at near dolls and gadgets and wanting to go on the ferris wheel, but I sent Mike along with her because of my slight fear of heights. I can get on a plane or roller coaster, but it's something about a tall and slow moving machine that makes me have anxiety.

Mike did not like the idea, but went on anyway after we practically begged him to. Also a nice looking young lady thought it was cute to have an older brother look after their youngest sister, after he heard that he practically jumped onto the ride.

I stood on the sideline, taking pictures of them every time they went by. That was until I spotted Irvine message.

SOS...SOS.. Call immediately!..
~Red Irv

I pressed her number and placed the phone on my ear. She picked up after the second ring and immediately started to lay news on me. "Susan killed herself!" Irvine sobbed.

The horrible news made me gasp, "Jesus Christ." I mumbled, considered there are a lot of kids around. The actions that took place in Barcelona was bad, but for Susan to kill herself because of her family's reputation was ruined, was unnecessary. Rich folks do not take reputation lightly.

"I know! Oh god. I've done something bad. It's all my fault."

"Now hold on just a minute." I said with a stern voice. "It's not your fault, you didn't put a gun to her head- pun unintended."

Irvine sniffed away her tears, or tried to. "But I forced her. If it wasn't for me posting that video." She whimpered.

"You done what you thought was right," I looked up just in time to give Mike and Neavia a quick smile as they rode past. "Listen don't blame yourself for this, it'll eat you alive."

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