"Serayah wait up!"Faye was running after me calling me-I turned and looked at her."Yes?"I ask with a smile."Well its kind of my birthday today and well I was wondering if you would like to join me,joan and tara and some friends to celebrate at a club today?"Her eyes gleamed with hope."Well I kind of have plans of dinner with my family but I'm sure it wouldn't take long so I'll see what I can do?"I offer and she nodded."Well its a new club in king's street.Its called RODE.And the girls and I are coming there at 10"she informed."Well if thats so I couldn't afford to pass out the opportunity so I'll see you there of course and faye happy birthday!"I greeted in which she said her thank you and with that I was off.

Dinner was reliefing and it is times like this where I'm thankful to have my family-honestly they are my rock.

My phone beamed with a text:

'From faye:Did you see the news?'

Immediately confusion took over me as I told mum and serane of faye's text.The three of us made our way to the television and immediately breaking news took over the tv screen it seems like its a live broadcast from the castle-And I was right because the next thing I know neymar and kenna who is wearing a red gown filled the screen.

"Hello My fellow people of trau"It was neymar who spoke."What are they doing-Monarch never does live tv news announcement this is a first!"My mother said with confusion trace all around her face-same mum same.

"We come here today to announce the wonderful of my engagement to king neymar-"Right then I was having difficulty to breathe.My eyes widen and my legs shaked as well as my fingers."We are also very happy to announce-"As neymar just stared at the tv screen with eyes filled with emotions that I couldn't tell."The upcoming birth to a new heir to the throne of Trau."Kenna's smile is wide and proud where as neymar had a small smile.

But I felt mocked.Just when I told him the three words that holds so much meaning in this world he goes and tell the whole country that he is expecting a child with another woman.

Oh god what am I going to do.But I don't want to cry-I refused to.Slowly I made my way upstairs so I could lay my outfit down carefully for tonight.Instead I was the one who laid down on my bed.I don't want to go out now all I want to do is stay in bed and silently think of a next plan or my next move cause thats what serayah witherspoon's good at.But faye doesn't deserve this.

As of on cue my phone rang I gave out a silent prayer when I see it was faye-I answer it with a heartbeat.

"Serayah I would understand if you wouldn't want to come-"But I cut her off "A promise is a promise-plus I really do need to feel numb for the night and your birthday provides every opportunity for me to do that-So faye I will meet you there"I stated the truth."Are you sure?"She hesitantly asks and I nodded "I really do need this faye."I kind of begged her."well okay then I'll see you soon I guess-And sera?"She asks and I replied with a simple 'hmm'."Please drive safely."She advices with a trace of concern in her voice.

"Of course"With that we said our goodbyes and I was off to do my hair and simple night make-up.

I walked downstairs ready dressed-"Check up on her serane,I didn't think she took the news well."My mum encouraged my sister but as if on cue I walked in to the kitchen as serane was about to leave and what assume to check up on me.

"I took the news extremely well mumma-In fact I'm going to go celebrate it with a couple of friends at this new club at king's street"I explained sarcastically.Mum and serane looked at me with wide eyes."Are you going to a party at a club sera?"Mum was the one who asks as I simply nodded my head and drank a glass of water.

"You have a son and a reputation sera don't act reckless!"But I only shook my head at mum's comment."It isn't reckless mumma-I feel like I deserve to have fun-I deserve to be happy and going out for drinks with friends would be something that would make me feel happy"I answered "At least for a certain period of time I'm drunk and I'm laughing loudly at something my friends say at least it takes my mind off things-I deserve this after everything that I have gone through!" I stated angrily as neymar's face appear on my mind.The memories that I have made with him all hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I deserve to drink the feelings of sorrow away-I deserve to dance until the hill of my feet hurt from too much dancing-I deserve to make some memories without him being in it!"And that was all it took for my mascara to melt from my tears.

I heard a small pitiful 'oh serayah' and with that the two woman who have seen me grow-who was the only people I look up to in so much ways were wrapping their arms around me.

"You deserve so many things serayah but being drunk and embarrassing yourself to the public isn't one of them."Serane advices.I think I stood there sobbing and being embraced by both my mother and sister for a good fifteen minutes "Its faye's birthday-I just want to thank her for making my dress for the ball and the least I could do is attend her birthday" They nodded at me and with that confirmation I went up to the room so I could reapply my make-up.

Coming down serane and mum was waiting by the door."Look if you feel like you're not in a right state of mind to drive tonight why not go and take a taxi.I'll pay for the taxi fare just be safe okay."My mum advices and I nodded before kissing her cheeks and giving a hug to serane.

And outside there was a taxi already waiting to take me to the club.I looked towards my house entrance and see my mum and serane looking at me with a small smile and thats all it takes for me to decide that I won't be drinking alot of  alcohol tonight and actually try to save my self from embarrassment because those two woman standing in the doorway making sure I was alright and safe inside this taxi deserve more than having a fucked up drunk side of me pictures in the paper tommorow.

They don't deserve that,davi don't deserve that.

Nissa Mail🖋

Wrong move ney..Wrong effing move.Who els was shock this chapter?Comment if you were about to throw your phone/computer/laptop out of the window!Because trust me I was this close.

Can I get a high five for my fast update?

My prayers and condolences go out to the family and friends who have lost their loved ones due to another act of terror in philippines.

You choose what you put into this world-Always choose love!-Harry styles

Anyways comment and show some love 💖

Two ghosts-Harry styles

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