The afternoon was coming by fast, as Jackie and I basically hung out all day she and I started making our way towards the street fair where I saw that courtyard began getting a bit full with college students coming in to enjoy their night. I hadn't seen Zayn all day so I was hoping I would see him here. Levi had spotted us and greeted us and had told us that a line started building up already and Jackie and I had looked at each other and nearly cringed at the line of guys who held a ticket in their hand.
We began making our way towards the back of the kissing booth as Jackie and I mentally prepared ourselves. "You ready to do this?" She said to me.
"As ready as I will ever be." I told her.
"Are you talking first shift or should I?" She questioned.
"I'll do it." I volunteered to go first. "It's fine." I smiled.
"Up you go then, I'm surprised Zayn is not here." Jackie voiced her thoughts.
"Actually think again." My back was turned away from the sound of his voice, and turned around to see that he was standing right there, a smile appeared on my face and I embraced him.
"You actually came." I whispered into his chest.
"I would be crazy not too." He said and I pulled back and he pressed his lips against mine.
We stood there for what seemed like years as his mouth moved against mine. I felt last in time with in and I was relieved he had gotten over our disagreement over this whole kissing booth thing. "I'm over it." he says "Besides at the end of the day you come home to me." He whispered against my lips before he pressed his own against mine once again.
"Ok stop before you eat your faces off." Jackie said interrupting our moment together. "The day is long and the night will be longer, if we don't get this done with soon." She said.
"She's right..ok." I said before smiled once more at Zayn and made my way up the stage to begin my shift.
Zayn's Point of View

Once Selena went up on stage, I swear my heart was beating at a faster rate than normal. I pulled Jackie's arm and made our way to the front of the stage where Selena stood awkwardly waiting for the first person to get their ticket checked and cleared to go on stage. There wasn't only guys in line waiting for a kiss but girls as well. I didn't see a problem with it after all, it was a kissing booth. Jackie stood beside me as she held her hands against her face and watched the horror or the first guy that walked up on stage, Selena gave him a small smile as he was taller than her and leaned in to press his lips against hers.
"Oh this is disgusting I can't watch." Jackie admitted.
"Shouldn't I be the one doing that?" I chucked.
"You're not the only going up there in an hour or so." She pointed. "Where is Levi, doesn't he have a schedule to this or something?" Jackie said looking in all sorts of directions for Levi in the crowd of gathering students for the street fair.
That's when Levi spotted us and made his way over to Jackie and I, he stood in between us resting his arms on our shoulders. "Hey guys!" He said. "I see the kissing booth is paying off well." He smiled through his sun glasses, as he looked up at the stage to see Selena just smile and kissing the person as they walked up on stage. "Girls too?" He pointed at the line. "Gotta be inclusive after all." He smiled.
"So what's the shift schedule for this?" Jackie questioned.
"Two hours." He smiled at Jackie.
"Two hours? That's a long time!" Jackie's eyes' widen, I laughed.
"Want me to make it four?" He threatened. "Cause I can make it four Jaqueline." He teased.
"Two is fine." She sighed.
"Besides you wouldn't even notice, it will go by fast." He brushed it off. "Oh..before I forget, I did what you asked for and got Adam working the fish bowl game." He said pointing and I laughed. "He said yes, with no complaints." Levi motioned with his hand.
"I knew it was too good to be true" Jackie scolded me. "You were too fucking happy back there, I knew something was off."
"Talk it out amongst yourself, I have a street fair to run." He said disappearing into the crowd.
"Did you actually think I was going to let prince fucking charming over there kiss Selena?" I admitted. "If I was going to loose this battle." I said as I looked up at Selena then over at Jackie. "I had to win the war." I said proudly.
"You know the only reason she agreed to do the kissing booth was because, she wanted to get closer to me as a friend, so your sake." Jackie confesses to me.
My eyes widen at Jackie's words, Selena and Jackie friends? "She wanted to become friends with you?" I pointed at Jackie.
"Is there something wrong with Selena wanting to be my friend?" She grew defensive.
"No, but you can be a little intimidating." I said to her.
"Yeah well Selena is the first girlfriend you've had that I actually like, and don't want to strangle her every five seconds." Jackie said. "Not only that, she got to the bottom of things and took the time to understand me as a person rather than judge me, cause Lucy sure as hell never gave me a fucking chance." Jackie trailed on. "Speaking of that fucking snake, I almost knocked her ass on the floor earlier today." She added.
"You did?" I question. "Where?"
"This morning Selena and I were having breakfast at a diner, when she came up to Selena and started telling her a bunch of shit about you and how you haven't gotten bored of her yet, and blah blah blah." She said annoyed at the memory. "I swear one day I'm going to mop the flow with her and you're going to have to stop me because this is has been years in the making." She huffed. "And speaking of the antichrist." Jackie said I laughed.
Her attention went towards the entrance where she has spotted Lucy walking in with Selena's other two friends. I suddenly remember the fight I had with Chris because of Lucy, and suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. I had been meaning to talking to Lucy about that whole situation with Chris and get an explanation.
Jackie and I had made our way around Lucy in order to avoid her but it was too late as she spotted us and held a smirk on her face making Jackie and I both stop at our feet. "Together as always I see." She said. "There's just no way of separating you two, ever." She nodded her head sideways. "Selena must find it as equally as annoying as I did." She says proudly.
"Yeah well thank fucking god, Selena is nothing like you." Jackie defended. "Steer fucking clear from me Lucifer because nothing is stopping me now from literally putting you on your ass right now."
"You're little threats don't scare me Jaqueline." Lucy lifted her shoulders carelessly. "But I know it did scare you when Zayn cut you off for a day or two because of your little encounters with his father?" Lucy brought up and I didn't we were going to settle our differences here right now at a street fair.
"Let me guess, Chris still keeps you in the loop?" I butted into the conversation.
He eyes widen and she grew still. "Chris? I didn't even know what you're talking about."
"Yes, you fucking do." I said. "Don't try to stand here and act you don't."
Jackie's Point of View

Time had went by quickly when Levi pulled me from Zayn's side and pushed me towards the stage. I don't think Zayn had noticed either as he was more concentrated in finding answers from Lucy. I had arrived at the kissing booth and I looked at the ling of people waiting to be kissed. My eyes widen when I spotted Adam as he was next in line to kiss Selena. I noticed he gave her a smile and waved his ticket at her, and she smiled back nervously.
Zayn would flip if he saw what was going to happen next, but he was distracted by Lucy and her venom to notice. I had to quickly make my way up the stage and replace Selena with myself. This street fair could not end in disaster, for Levi's sake all because Adam was pulling ballsy moves. I quickly rushed behind the staged and pushed past the curtain, and touched on Selena's shoulders as she slightly jumped back in relief that it was me.
"I'm here to save you." I whispered in her ear.
She smiled. "Thank you so much."
I spotted Zayn making his way towards the crowd, as he had his eyes set on Adam and Selena on stage, but when he noticed me he laid back in relief, I smiled at him and Selena caught notice, in which she patted me on my shoulder and walked off the stage, Leaving me a very disappointed Adam to walk up on stage. He had no choice, as his ticket was cut and he made his way over to me.
"What? Disappointed?" I raised my eyebrow at him as I crossed my hands over my chest.
"Yes...I mean-..No!" He stumbled on his words.
"What? You don't want to kiss me or something?" I egged on his nerves.
"I do, I just-...I was hoping to kiss-.."He stammered.
"Selena, you were hoping to kiss Selena." I said it for him. "Pretty ballsy if you ask me." I said as I motioned with my eyes as Zayn stood there with Selena at his side.
"Come on get it over with!" Someone from the line shouted at Adam and I.
"This is awkward now-..." Adam scratched the back of his head as he towered over me.
"Kiss me." I lifted my shoulders carelessly.
"What?" He whispered.
"Just kiss me." I encouraged.
He continued to stall for another second or so when I grabbed him by his shirt and pressed his lips against mine. He grew frozen at the touch of our lips together for a second, but eased up when his mouth began to move against mine at a slow pace. This kiss felt different and it had awaken something inside of me I just couldn't wrap my head around. His mouth moved against mine, and his hand trailed down to my waist as he pulled me closer to him and took his over hand and brought it up to the side of my neck to keep it at a steady pace. Suddenly it felt like we were the only two here alone with no one else to bother us, or stop us at anytime soon.
I tried to push him off of me, but his grip was steady. I felt the sudden rush of wind and when I opened my eyes Zayn was up on stage pulling his off of me. "Ok that's enough." Zayn pushed on his chest, and the next thing that happened between him and Adam became a blur.


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