“Are you really gonna marry him?” Blake asked sad

“I don’t know… I can’t go through this again”

“I won’t hurt you again, I promise”

“You promised me something all those years ago too and look what you did”

“I promised I wasn’t gonna let money change me, and that I would marry you someday. I’m promising not to hurt you now… Please don’t marry this guy. Who is he anyway?”

“… Dustin Ackley”

“The baseball player? Shit… How the hell am I supposed to compete with that? You love baseball” I chuckle “Don’t laugh” he starts kissing my neck.

“Stop, you need to go. Your plane leaves soon”

“You our plane”


“You’re coming with me Gaia. I’m not gonna let you miss his funeral”

My eyes begin to water as the memories of all of us in high school came back. Blake notices and he hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear.

“He’s in a better place”

I sniffle “I know… It’s just he always acted like it was nothing, he was always smiling”

“He accepted it… we didn’t”

We take a shower and head to the airport. When we arrive to Oklahoma Gale was there waiting for Blake. She hugs him comforting him for his loss, they she comes to me.

“Thank you for being there for him” she hugs me and gives condolences.

“Always” I whisper to myself looking at Blake.

“Gaia!” I hear someone call my name

“Mom” I go to her and start crying.

“I’m so sorry baby” she hugs me and rubs my back and we head home.

**Day of the burial:

As the father said a few words everyone there was crying, we all knew what a great guy he was. A good son, brother and friend. I never understood life, I kind of always questioned it. Why did he have to go the way he did? He was such a nice person.

As soon as the ceremony is over I notice Blake looking at me and starts walking to me “Hey”


“Where’s your boyfriend?”

“He’s… busy with something” truth is I didn’t know where he was.

“Can I ask you something?”


“The dunk contest is tomorrow… I would really like you to go”

“I don’t know”


“I’ll think about it”

“Call me… I love you”

“Blake, not here” I didn’t want him to say that in public, some people knew about me and Dustin so I didn’t need the drama.

I get home and just fall on the couch I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I hear the door closing and sit up to see Dustin.

“Where were you?” I asked him

“Around, why?”

“You missed the funeral”

“Yeah, sorry”

“Sorry? I wanted you to be there for me Dustin”

“I said I was sorry! They guys dead anyway!” he yelled

“What the hell’s wrong with you?! He was my best friend!” I ask walking towards him, then I see his red shot eyes “Are you drunk?”

“That a problem?”

“Jesus it’s four o’clock”

“So? That didn’t stop you from being with Blake”

“What?” How the hell did he find out?

“Why’d you come on the same flight as him?”

“Really? You’re gonna argue because we came on the same plane?”


“He offered! I couldn’t pay to change the flight and he offered!”

“Yeah? Cause it look like he’s trying to steal you from me… I don’t want you near him”

“He’s my friend Dustin… and I don’t need your permission to be with my friends. As a matter of fact he invited me to the dunk contest.”

He scoffs “And you’re not going” the fact that he said that made me want to go.

“You know what? I think I am, I’m gonna call Blake right now, tell him I’m going.”

“Like hell you are! You are my girlfriend! You seem too close to him, did you sleep with him?”


“You’re acting different, like you’re glowing… did you sleep with him?” I don’t answer anything. I didn’t want to tell him but I didn’t want to lie to him. “Answer me!” he yelled and swung at me hitting me in the face…

High School Sweetheart <3Where stories live. Discover now