Great. I'm in the twentieth floor, last door on your right.
~Rich Girl V

I took a deep breath while walking past the security guard that gave me no mind and the receptionist who was too busy taking a phone call. The elevators were as fancy as the lobby, the walls were oak, railing gold and floor marble; it was better than our apartment. Come on Kax, you're about to see a woman who own her own institute- probably more than that. She has more money than everyone in this building, of course she's going to live in such luxury....

I reached the twentieth floor, it took a while for me to walkout; but I did and it took much strength. I strolled to my right, past the double door apartments that was spaced out. There were three doors on V's side of the hall, and probably three on the left as well: indicating these apartments are huge.

Taking another deep breath, I knocked on her door three times for good luck. Not a moment later, Violet opened the door with a huge welcome smile. "Hey Earth girl."

My cheeks suddenly turned red, "Hey space girl."

Violet moved aside so I can walk in, in which I did. I almost whimpered from her decor. "Nice place." It was a two level apartment, with a awesome view of Manhattan; it was like our apartment but it had more to it.

"Thanks," she closed the door that automatically locked itself since it was technology based.

"Irvine called it," I said louder than it was attended.

Violet gave me an odd look, that still made her look sexy. "Called what?"

"That you would have an apartment in New York. I'm not really surprised, I thought you'll own the building." I chuckled.

"Actually," Violet said while stepping closer to me. "I own the land where the building and some other buildings our built on."

"Of course you do."

Grabbing my hand, Violet lead me towards the kitchen. "Instead of lunch food, I made breakfast food. Is that alright with you?"

"Yup, I didn't really eat breakfast today. I only had a muffin and orange juice."

Violet gave me an concerned look before making our plates. "Why did you just eat that?"

"Well," I took a seat on one of the stools. "Irvine and I were moving into our new apartment, which is only ten minutes away from here. So I didn't exactly have the chance to make something."

She set the full plate in front of me before taking her seat, "Omelette with cheese, green and red peppers, and spinach. A side of bacon and potatoes. Dig in."

"Thanks," I picked up my fork and did just that. A moan of satisfactory escaped my mouth before I could even stop it. "Let me guess, you learned how to cook from a home chef,"

Violet shook her head while chuckling, "Actually, my step mother taught me everything she knows. She was a southern belle that lived in a huge family where all the women must cook."

"Hats off to your step-mother then." I said while stuffing a piece of omelette in my mouth. Violet did not touch her food yet, she just stared at the side of my face; pondering over god knows what. "What?" I said with a mouthful of potatoes.

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