Chapter 51 - When the Wolves Come Out

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My mind is still reeling, straining to process everything Evynn has just told me. Not because it was too complicated to understand, but because I want to distill down how her life story impacts her now, in this moment. I had no idea that a simple question would unfold into such a complicated answer. But that's Evynn, always surprising me with a deepness behind her quick-witted exterior. She has been through so much, it seems, and it amazes me that she isn't bitter. She still opens up, and allows herself to be vulnerable. If it has been me, I would have probably turned into the most ornery Billy no-mates, angry at the world and on the piss all the time.

Fuck. I want to be there for Evynn, to support her, to soothe her. What if I'm not enough? But that is false thinking.  Mum always reminds me that you can't anchor yourself to just one person.  You've got to have a wide foundation if you want to grow up strong. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my whole family, and all the lads. It's been a real blessing. They have been there for me through all my ups and downs. I want nothing more than to provide that for Evynn. Even more so now that I know her story.

Maybe I just need to shut up and listen.  And kiss her.  Kiss her for all I'm worth so that she knows how much I care. And as I crashed my lips against hers, the world dissipates into white noise. My worries ebb away, one by one they are taken down and no longer calling out for me.

Time slows as well. All I can focus on is Evynn. The honeyed scents of vanilla and sunshine on her skin.  The sweet taste of  her saliva in my mouth, and the feel of her tongue brushing over mine.   My breath is uneven, and I can hear hers mirroring mine, ragged in  her throat.  Despite the tremulous nature of the sounds we are making,  there was a peaceful centrality to the actions.  We fall into each other  naturally, setting a deep burning in my soul. Having only Evynn captivate my consciousness is freeing and my tensions melt away.  

Evynn starts shivering in my arms, and it is  becoming more apparent it has more to do with the sun setting than the  the effect my tongue twirling was having on her.  Damn. That's a  surefire way to get a chub to recede.  Though, I had to admit, the air  is getting cooler and goose flesh is popping up on my arms as well. The breeze blowing through my nether regions is sending a tingling  sensation to my bollocks saying: RETREAT!  Not the sort of ball ache any  man wants to tolerate when in the company of a beautiful woman.

"You're getting cold, luv.  We should head inside" I say, rubbing her  shoulders and holding her tightly to my body.  I add a quick kiss to the  crown of her head for good measure.

"Yeah, a little," she admits. "My THO is pretty spectacular."

"Sorry, your what?"

"Oh!  Ha, ha," Evynn laughs. "My THO. T-H-O. It  stands for 'Titty Hard On'.   It's a stupid term the girl and I use  to describe the phenomenon of having your nipples stand at attention. It's a nice covert term, especially useful when in public and wearing a thin shirt. You know what I mean. My nips could cut glass  right now." 

Evynn opens her towel and shows me what she means.  The still damp  fabric of her bra clings perfectly to the pointed bumps that are pertly  pushing through the lace.  Fuck.  Flashes of thoughts zing through my  brain.  Most of them involve rolling the nibs between my teeth and  watching her throw her head back in pleasure.  My cock jumps.

"Urgh," I moan.  "You had better but those away, unless you want to face the consequences."

"Oh yeah?" Evynn responds, a gleam of mischief in her eye.

"Yes,"  I respond, placing a warm hand over her one breast.  I roll her nipple  between my fingers. "I will not be held responsible for any slivers in  your backside."

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