Chapter 22 -Sleepy Kitty. Purr, Purr, Purr.

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I wake up peacefully, having slept like a rock.  Expecting a bit of an emotional hangover after last night's reveal, I am pleasantly surprised that my self-check puts me at even-keeled.  A fact I attribute to the amazing man lying across the bed from me.  Louis is curled up like a sleeping kitten, with one hand underneath is head, and the other hugging his side.  His eyelashes feather against his cheeks, and his previously perfect coiffure is ruffled from sleep. He looks amazing.

I can barely pull my eyes from his face.  I let them rove over his features, taking in his delicious lips now outlined with a trace of facial hair.  With his face completely relaxed, I can appreciate the beauty of his bone structure.  High cheekbones.  Perfectly centered and formed nose with a distinct but not sharp point.  Flawlessly tailored brows that shape his eyes, so on fleek that even Kimmy K would be jealous.  Louis' shoulders are peeking out from the covers, and I can seen the tone of his muscles.  His clavicles are bare, begging to be kissed as he kissed mine, with his tattoos resting just below.  A small smattering of hair sits in the center of his otherwise pristine chest.  I am floored by this beautiful Adonis.

His physical beauty is only part of why he seems so alluring to me this morning.  I am enraptured by the kindness and tenderness with which he treated me last night.  I have never wanted to share the story of Wes with any of the boys I have dated over the last year or so.  It took me ages to find the courage even entertain the possibility of courtship after what happened.  I was scared.  And a little ruined.  Not only because I lost Wes so suddenly, but because he was perfect for me.  We grew up into a complimentary pair, and when he died, that part of me was ripped away and leaving a deep, deep wound.  I was going to let just anyone fill that void.  And the emotional fuckwits I did date reinforced the certitude of this decision.

But Louis surprised me. 

I replay how he looked at me last night.  Hurt because I was hurting.  Soft because I needed him to be. Tender because it was the right thing to do.  If I ever meet his mom, I am going to thank her for raising such an amazing man.  And that is key.  Boys are boys.  But Louis is a man.

Louis moves in his sleep, and I start, petrified that he will wake up and notice my gawking.  Creepy much, Ev? For reals, I could be wading in to Annie Wilkes territory here.  I'm your number one fan, Louis!  Ha!  Yeah, ok, no.  My ridiculous thoughts pull me away from my ogling, and I decide to let Louis sleep while I go in search of sustenance. And maybe, just maybe I will debrief with the girls about my, well, de-briefing activities last night.  Ok, inner comedian, you are ludicrous this morning!  Has the semen gone to your head?  Head. Ah!  God.  Don't pull a Bob Saget and laugh at your own joke now.  You will have crossed into to total nut-job territory.  I smirk instead as gently slip off the bed and out the door. 

The first thing I notice when I roll around the corner is the abandoned poutine container on the kitchen counter.  I blush a fabulous shade of scarlet when I playback the memories of tossing the container there last night.  The counter firm under my bottom, and wandering hands touching my body.


Startled, I turn in the direction of the voice and see the wonder twins sitting on the couch, shoveling spoonfuls of cereal into their mouths.  Paisley is pointing her spoon towards me, giving me the once over.

"Day old eye makeup.  Puffy lips.  Flushed face.  Someone got some last night."

"Yeah," pipes in Tegan, "And judging by your outfit, I'd say it was a no pants dance!"  She points to my barely covered panties and tank top combo.

Lifting up both hands in a double fisted, dual middle finger salute I say, "Apparently everyone in this apartment is a comedian this morning."

"Well, maybe not everyone," smiles Paisley.  "You're almost whispering, and that can only mean one thing."

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