Chapter 4 - Hot coffee

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The next two days are agony.

Jumpy and anxious, my phone is constantly by my side. I can't risk missing a response from Craigslist. I want to know the instant the email hits my inbox. I refresh my messages with a desire second only to the lust I still feel from my chance encounter. I have convinced myself that posting an ad was the best idea ever.  Isn't it funny how memories get warped when we romanticize the past?

Every minute without a response leaves me feeling bereft and frustrated. Whatever small part inside that was holding out hope of being swept of my feet was slowly dying and being replaced by self-deprecating doubt. I wouldn't have gotten out of bed on day two if it hadn't been for my roomies.

I was lying in bed, wallowing, when both Paisely and Tegan ran in and jumped on top of me.

"That's it! Get up!" yelled Tegan, pounding me in the head with one of my pillows. All her efforts only succeeded in getting me to dive further under the covers.

"Oh no you don't!" yelped Paisley, pulling off the sheets and sitting me up. Looking straight in to my eyes, she says. "You is smart, you is kind, you is important!" I laughed out loud at it being one of her never ending movie references.

"Yeah," pitches in Tegan. "You tried, and even if this missed connections business was an epic failure, you're still an amazing human being."

I roll my eyes, but smile. "Thanks for that! I was just really hoping, ya know? It's been a busy year. School was ok, and work was supposed to be epic fun. Now with my hours cut, I just feel like a lump on a log. I needed this win."

"I know. That's why we got a present for you to cheer you up!" says Paisley, holding up a small bag from my favourite vintage store. 



Thanks to the pep-talk from the girls, I have managed to make it though nearly my whole shift without checking my phone once. Though, I must begrudgingly admit, it had less to do with my resolve and more to do with Tegan bribing my colleague to lock my bag in the storage room. Nonetheless, it was the push I needed.  And once I started, I kept up the momentum and have proudly made it through my entire break ignoring the device as well.

Checking my watch, I realize I'm due back in two minutes. Time to hit the bathroom.   I sashay down the hall feeling pretty damn good about how I look today.  The girls generously bought me a new super cute distressed denim skirt which I paired with some black fish nets and my combat boots. Serendipitously, the outfit seems to compliment my black work shirt that hangs just slightly off one shoulder. I glance at my reflection feeling happy that I curled by bleached blonde hair and did some make up before I left. I hate to admit it, but glamming up my outside is helping me feel better inside too. Hot pink lipstick tops off the ensemble! 

All set, I rush out to the counter and started cleaning the steamer. "Hey, Carlton! I'm back from by break. What can I get started?"

"A tall Americano for the gentleman at the bar," he yells back.

"Got it!" I finish up the drink with expert speed, setting it on the bar without looking up. I'm surprised to feel the customer's fingers brush over mind as I start to let go of the cup. Startled, I look up, and I see a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. The eyes. The ones imprinted on my soul.

"Oh shit!"

And then I spill the coffee all over him.

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