Chapter 17 - Life is the Pits

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I settle in under Louis' arm as we walk down the street back towards my place, sipping our coffees. There is a comfortable silence, as if the kiss we shared refocused our energy. I take another sip and smile.

"This is pretty good, actually. What did you end up putting in it after all?"

"A touch of sugar. A touch of cream". He lets the word cream hang on his tongue, teasing me. He then makes a super goofy grinning face when I smack him playfully. "Oh, and a shot of vanilla because that's what scent is on your skin, making me want to taste you."

My inner diva is now growling!  Imagining those lips and tongue exploring my body (post period, naturally) leaves my mouth feeling dry and my other parts wet. I nuzzle in towards his shoulder, and send my free hand through the arm hole of his shirt and tweaking his nipple.

"We'll see."

Louis chuckles. His laugh shakes his whole body, and then radiates in to mine releasing the tension my muscles are still clinging to. I tickle him once more, trying to get a response. Louis puckers his lips trying to hide the smile that wants to peek out. His right eyebrow raises and is followed shortly by the left brow. His hooded eyes are half closed and he is looking down his chin at me, and it's like getting a glimpse at his inner diva. I persist and find a small spot at the base of his ribs and he starts to squirm. I apply a slight increase in pressure and he releases a giggle that is positively adorable.

"Fuck, stop it" says Louis, as he tries to recompose himself. "I'm going to spill my coffee!"

I smile mischievously and desist my attack.  "Fair," I respond reluctantly. "I don't want to spill my coffee either but know I am taking notes on your weaknesses for later."

"Well, I should think that a few of them have been pretty apparent." He flashes me a look that is reminiscent of our first connection on the subway and I feel it in my toes. I blush.

"Are we talking about sex again?"

Louis smirks, taking his thumb and brushing it over my lips. "Oh, luv, I'm talking about so much more than just sex."

I take a deep breath. Seriously. I fee like this man could be talking about the fundamentals of micro-economics and make it sound like a page from the Karma Sutra. But I need to refocus. My tripping out over the coffee bitch wasn't cool, and neither was my lack of response last night after we climaxed together. Albeit separately climaxed together. Holy oxymoron, Batman!  Whatever I may or not be feeling, I think it's only fair I let him in to a little bit of my mind set.

"Hey, Lou..."

"Yeah, darling?"

"Have you got some time to sit with me?  We're not far from a city park I love. There are benches. We can just chill." 

As if sensing the change in my demeanor, Louis shifts his arm off of mine and instead slips my hand in to his.  He gives my hand a little squeeze of reassurance.

"I'd like that".

I lead him west towards Christie Pitts park.  It's a great green space, nestled across the street from Christie subway station.  On initial impression, the park doesn't look like much.  It's a set of spread out grass, spotted with a few trees and benches, that lead in to a valley, or pit, as per the name.  But if you take the time to venture down the slope, you see the park is pretty huge.  It houses three baseball diamonds, a multi-sport field, basketball and volleyball courts, an artificial ice rink, children's play area, a splash pad, a large pool AND a community garden.  Phew! In the summer, it's the perfect place for lounging because the tops of the slopes offer places for sun babies to tan, and the valley is shady and lovely if you want to hide from the UV rays. They also play kick-ass movies sometimes for free.  In the winter, the sides of the pits are littered with people vying for the best tobogganing spots.  I love it here.

Today, I opt to sit on one of the benches with Louis.  As we sit down, he puts his left arm up on the top of the bench, and I nuzzle back into the nook it creates.  I draw my legs up towards my chest, resting my feet on the bench, sipping my coffee.  The breeze coming across the top of the pits blows my hair away from my face and it feels good.  Finding moments to be one with nature in the big city has always been important to me.  I grew up in a smaller town, surrounded by country side, and the transition to a world of concrete was rough at first.  But I have adapted, and I know that I love the city when I am here, but I also love being in the country when I can.

"Lou, I really am sorry I have been weird about this whole thing."  I gesture my hand indicating the two of us.  "And I know this is early in... whatever this is, but I wanted to tell you that the end of my last relationship was...well...complicated.  It took a long while for me to process it all, and it may cause me to flip out every now and then."

I look over see Louis intently looking at me.  He's not making a sound or movement beyond having a serious look on his face, and I'm petrified that I've just crossed some invisible line that is going to cause him to bolt.  I try to pretend I am casually sipping my coffee, hoping that my sudden increase in tension around my leg isn't visible.

"My last long term relationship was complicated too, luv. Four years of complicated.  We tried really hard to make it work, and in the end it just fell apart. I was gutted."


"Look, Ev, let's just take this one step at a time, yeah?  Sounds like neither one of us has had a great track record.  But my heart is in this if yours is, and I don't want to mess about."

I'm taken aback my Louis honesty, and it makes me feel so much better.  I know if we are going to pursue this connection, he'll need to know more about me, but for right now, I'm happy being right here, right now. 

"Sounds good, Lou."  I drop my legs down, tuck my shoulder under his armpit, allowing myself to rest my head against his chest.  I don't know exactly how long we sit like this, watching the people moving about the park, but I don't care.  It is what it is, and that's perfect.  It's not until we both finish our coffees that I make a motion to move. 

"Hey, have you got the time?  Seeing as my phone is dead and I am due at work this afternoon, I should probably check."

Louis pulls out his phone.  "It's about noon."

"Perfect.  That give me time to get ready and get to work for two."  I hesitate.  "Want to meet up again, after my shift?"

"Yes, Evynn, I would love to take you out on a date."

We both smile.


Hope you are enjoying this adventure so far.  I promise Louis' sex kitten will be on the prowl again soon! 

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