Chapter 13 - Sacked

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I casually stroll up the street, leaving Evynn and her beautiful curves behind me. Fuck me. Ever since I saw her flustered, blonde figure sit across me on the underground, I have been so distracted. She is nothing like the girls I normally go after. Skinny brunette bitches who are interested in getting their claws in me, or flaky rakes that I want to fuck and forget. And trust me, I have been forgetting quite a few of them lately. But Evynn is different somehow and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's because she's not letting me get my fingers into her right now.

I shake the dirty thoughts from my head and take a minute to check out my surroundings. Toronto is a great city. Lots of energy and less pretentious assholes than some other places I've been to. There is something cool about walking down one street and seeing it transition between cultures. Karaoke bars turn to student pubs, and morph in to museums. Not to mention being able to look south and see the CN tower peeking over the tree tops. Towering over the city like a giant concrete shaft dipping its tip into the sky.

I make it to the subway station and grab a few tokens. Dumping one in the receptacle, I walk through the divider. Shouldn't take me long to make it back to the house I'm renting for the summer. Just a few short stops. It's refreshing to know that my walk of shame won't be too long when I finally get to conquer Evynn's mountains instead of having to settle with her bushes. God damn you woman! You've left me fucking randy.

By the time I make it back to the house, I am so ready to rub another one out. I kick my shoes off, leaving them in the middle of the floor.

"Harry?" I call. No response. Weird. I was expecting him to fly in today. "Haz?"

A figure moves from behind the door and slaps me so hard in the nuts that I collapse down with my hands on my knees.

"Motherfucker!" I managed to breathe out before collapsing to the floor.

I hear a deep laughter emanating from my side. I look up to see my best lad, Harry, towering over me. Clearly not bothered by his long trip from England, his long curls are covering his face as he cackles beside me. Between fits of giggles, he extends his hand to help pick me up.

"You alright, then Lou? Got some trouble walking in the door?"

I groan from my fetal position.

"Probably knocked out from the terrible smell of your feet. Pretty serious pong, my friend. Maybe they would smell better if you tidied up your manky shoes instead of leaving them in the middle of the doorway."

"I was going to say I missed you, mate, but I'm not sure that's true right now." I lean over to my side and pull myself up to a sitting position.

Harry laughs again, drops himself to the floor next to me, rubbing my hair with his hands. "Oh Lou, I didn't know you were so sensitive."

And I punch him in the tit. "Arsehole." He starts up again.

If he doesn't stop laughing at me, I am going to punch more than his torso. I will knock his jaw so hard that the only dimples he will show from now on will be the ones on his ass. But as annoyed as I feel, Harry sacking me has finally taken my mind off my dick. Or at least having pleasant associations with it. I ignore Harry for the moment, feeling rather peevish, and grab my phone from my pocket. No response from Evynn.

Noticing my change in focus, Harry stands up, extending his hand to me once more. This time I grab it, get up and walk towards the couch.

"What's got you looking so buggered, Lou? I know you're not disappointed to see me." Harry flashes another golden boy smile.

"I'm bloody brilliant, Haz," I respond with more force than I intended. Harry looks at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Shit. He knows me too well from being my flat mate for so long. He clearly suspects something is bothering me. I sigh, and feel my shoulders drop. "I met a girl, Harry."

"Haha! How is this news, mate? You've always got your dick wet."

I glare at him for a what feels like a full minute before shrugging my shoulders. "Fair enough. But this feels different. And now I'm worried that my cock had gone and, well, cocked it up."

Harry laughs once again until he sees the serious look on my face. He stops and rakes both hands through his hair, leaving one to rub the back of his neck. Good, his thinking pose. Maybe now he'll stop being a little shit and say something worthwhile. I continue to glare at him, feeling extra pissy.

"Aw, Lou, don't get churlish. I was just taking the piss. How about I make you a cup of tea, and we can talk about it?"

He looks at me with such genuine innocence that I can't help but feel my mood lighten. This goofy kid is like my little brother, and it's hard to stay mad at him. I follow him through to the kitchen, and watch him rummage through the cupboards, eventually pulling out cups and tea bags. I should probably help him, but meh, he's good in the kitchen. After putting on the kettle, he settles down on one of the bar stools at the counter and pats the one next to him, indicating that I should sit down.

"Now, what troubles, ya, buttercup?"

So, I launch in to the story of how I first saw Evynn on the subway. How I had spent the better part of two days at her coffee shop hoping to see her, and how we finally met today. I leave out a few of the sexier details, knowing Harry has witnessed much of my sexual prowess, and he doesn't need another blow by blow. And also because it feels wrong to tell Harry about the intimate moments I've experienced with her. It's like if I tell him it would mean sharing her with Harry, and I don't want any of that.

The kettle boils, and Harry resumes making tea. I take this natural break as an opportunity to check my phone once more. Still no response from Evynn. I was sure that she would get my reference to Muse's song lyrics. Did I go too far? Fuck. I thought girls liked it when boys were sensitive and shit. Serves me right for trying. I toss the phone aside, maybe a little too forcefully, and it skids across the counter. Harry catches it in his free hand as he pushes a mug of tea in my direction.

"Did your iOS update go poorly, or are you trying to tell me you've changed to an Android man?"

"Fucking hell, Harry. She didn't text me back."

"Who? Evynn?"

"Who else? I nearly fucking laid my heart out and she hasn't got the fucking time to send a message back. This is bollocks!"

"Calm the fuck down, Lou. I'm sure there's a reason."

"I can't, Harry. This doesn't fucking happen to me. I usually have my cock in a girl while I've got one foot out the door. I don't stick around, and I haven't wanted to since my last big relationship. I've enjoyed the girl-in-every-port style of life. What the fuck am I supposed to do if I start to have feelings for someone?" Before I realize what's happening, I've jumped to my feet and am banging my hands on the counter like a whiny little bitch.

"You're acting like lunatic right now, mate. It's feelings, not a bloody death sentence. Have you ever considered enjoying the process? You might just surprise yourself."

"But, I'm not you, Harry. I'm not all charming and shit."

Harry smiles, putting his hand on my shoulder, "You are, Louis, but just not in the same way. Be yourself and she'll come around. But don't push too hard. If you want more than sex, you've got to be patient".

Goddammit. He's right. Ponce boy, motherfucker! I take a deep breath out, and I feel Harry eyes on me showing concern, and it's making me feel more antsy. As if sensing this, Harry removes his hand and steps away.

"Now, chin up, brother," he says, "Otherwise, I will be forced to kick you in the balls just to get some sense into your head." He feigns kicking me and I wince. "Got ya! Now, I'm off to Bedfordshire. That long flight from home has me knackered. Are you going to be ok?"

I sit back down at the counter, pick up my mug, and take a sip. "Yeah, mate, I'll be alright. Thanks for the tea, Harry."

"Any time, Lou."

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