Chapter 15

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Megan's POV

We all sat in a circle, laughing and talking, smiling while playing truth or dare. it was like old times, better times. We laughed and talked, but deep down we knew it had to end some day. So when they said they had to catch their flights and leave, there were many tear, sobbing, mostly from the girls, and many sad good byes said. I remembered right before they left, and I stopped them.

"wait," I said, whipping out a piece of paper and a pencil, quickly writing down my new phone number and Skype, "keep in touch, ok?"

"ok" they all replied. As we watched them drive away, I smiled. it wasn't a sad smile, but it wasn't quite happy either. I stayed out there, waving goo bye, long after they had left. I put my hand down, and turned around, looking back over my shoulder one last time before re-entering the house. a single tear slipped down my cheek, and I whispered good bye to the wind. I walked back inside, went up to my new room, and flopped down on my bed. the tears didn't stop, but I didn't fell sad. I felt content. if that's what they had really wanted to do, then that's what they would do. I sighed, got up and went over to the window, pressing my face against the glass.

"I miss you already" I said, thinking of them, as well as the friends I had made over the last year. I sighed again. contentment was a weird felling for me. I wasn't happy, I wasn't sad. I just kind of existed, along with the rest of the universe. but I had never really thought about it before. I didn't need any more I didn't need any less. I was content with what I had, and who I was, and nothing could change that. in that moment, I took a deeper look at the world, the universe, and I saw it for what it really was. we weren't here to be happy, or sad, or angry, or pretty, or to have a good job, we were here to live. nothing more nothing less. just to live. I got up, went back to my bed, and thought about it. I though about everything. and that night, I fell asleep content, peaceful, for the first time in forever. I had in that single moment, no worries.

OK short chapter, really short chapter, but hey, don't jugde, the epiloge is up next and I already know what I want to do for it, so this book will soon be finished, although it might surprise some of you in the way it ends. I'm blathering so lets finish this off. ANYWAYS, BU-BYE!!!!!!

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