Chapter 2

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At the ice cream shop

Megans POV

"so julia, you and Jordan hmmm?" i asked after we had gotten our ice cream. She blushed alot and started doodling patters on the floor with her feet.

"Ya I guess..." she replied uncertainly.

"what was with those staring contests anyways?" taylor asked. so i wasnt the only one who noticed.

"well... ummmm..." she seemed really embaressed.

"well what spit it out?" i asked

"he knida sorta asked me out" she said it so quietly i almost didnt hear her.


"Im just really nervous, i dont want to mess anything up" she said

"when is this date?" i asked.

"today at 6" she replied

"Lets go then" i said grabbing her hand and dragging her out the door.

"wait where are we going?" she asked startled. Taylor and Angie soon followed me.

"to get you prepared for your date." I replied

-------------------------------------time skip cause once again im lazy---------------------------------------------------

"you look great" I assered Julia.

"really?" she said.

"he will adore you" i replied. it was a dinner date but nothing fancy so we put some makeup on here a little mascare and a casual t-shirt and jean shorts, but still fancy enough for a date. It was now officially 7 and we heard a knock on the hotel door. I rushed over and opened it up to see Jordan standing there in jeans and a T shirt. Dang, I though, looking at him. Julia got really lucky.

"JULIA" I called before he could say anything. he looked at me greatfuly and as Julia walked by me I handed her bag to her.

"good luck" I whispered in her ear as she passed me. Loader I said, "I want to know every detail when you get back, mk?"

"ya of course" she replied, already looking nervous. I smiled at her one more time before they walked away and I shut the door.

"well that was exhausting" I said to Angie and Taylor.

"ya" they replied.

"so what now?" I asked. Just then my phone beeped and I got a text from who I assumed was Mitch because it said 'hey its Mitch'. I replied 'hi'. just then both Taylor and Angies phones went off and I assume that they got text from teamcrafted to. I got another text from Mitch saying 'hey do you want to go see a movie with me?' I texted back "sure, when?'. He replied 'how about now? Meet me at the movie theater 3 blocks from the convention' I replied 'k, see you soon'. After that I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. Angie and Taylor gave me strange looks before looking at their phones and jumping up and joining me.

"Mitch asked me to go to the movies with him" I said.

"Jason wants to meet for a dinner date" Angie replied.

"Ty just said something about walking in the park" Taylor said. once we had all applied a little make up, we got all our purses and began walking.

"ok we have to say every detail about our dates once we get back, agreed?" I said.

"agreed" they replied before walking in our separate directions. I was nervous and I suddenly understood how Julia felt. I met him at the movies and we went in and watch a movie together. He was a bit surprised when I didn't want to watch the girly romance movie but instead wanted to watch the si-fi action explosion movies. he agreed to it readily though, and I had a great time. I wondered how Angie and Taylor and Julia were doing on their dates.

Angie POV

After we separated, I began to feel like Julia did. What if I mess it up? What if e doesn't like me? All these what ifs were running through me head so I nearly passed the restaurant. I walked in  and saw him already sitting down. he waved and I walked over and sat down. at first it was really awkward but when we finally started talking I found we had a lot in common. It went great and he even walked me back to the hotel room afterwards. I wonder how Taylors doing?

Taylor POV

I met up with him at the park and we started walking. we were both really quite at first because we didn't know what to say. after we finally started talking we found out that we have a lot in common. After about half an hour of walking we sat down on a bench. We talked until it got late and then he walked me home. Such a gentleman. I started to wonder how it was going with Julia.


Youtuber Love Triangle??? {A Teamcraft/My Oc's Fan fiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon