Chapter 9

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Megan's POV

We continued to play the game although they kept glancing at me, like they were afraid i would scare them again. i stopped paying attention after awhile until i heard Ian daring Quinten to call him self a fish.

"NOOOOO WHY YOU DO DIS IAN" Quinten shouted, " fine... IAMAFISH" he said quickly. we all laughed and after that all went into our seprate rooms to sleep.


I woke up and went down stairs. Everyone was already up and slightly bleary eyed. i sat down in one of the chairs and asked, "so what are we doing today?"

"Idk maybe record some vids?" Adam replied.

"mk" i said, to tried to make a real effort in answering. After we had all eaten at leat a little we went to record. I had brought my laptop, and Mitch asked if i would like to join them in recording. I said sure, and we began. I was really shy at first. But after a few games i began to open up and started scareing them again.

"so, Adam, why are you in here?" I asked while playing cops and robbers.

"oh, I was caught stealing butter, what about you?" he replied

"Nothing special, i just blew up jupiter" i said as nocalantly as possible.

"wait, YOU WHAT?" He nearly screamed

"i blew up jupiter" I said.


"FOR PLUTO!!!!!!!" I shouted in reply. he was silent for a little while after that before asking," Why jupiter then?"

"if your going to take out the smallest planet then you should take out the biggest as well, you know, to keep it balanced" I replied with complete conviction. "oh and by the way, the blast from the explotion should reach us in about, maybe two years if were lucky and then well get lanched into the sun and die horrible friery deaths, just thought id let you know" I said.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm, what?" Mitch said, listening to our convertation.

"HAVE FUN" I said insanly. "CAUSE WERE ALL SCREWED" Then i began laughing again.

"Megan, dont do dis" Mitch said.

"ITS TO LATE FOR THAT NOW AHAHAHAHA" I screamed into my mic after that I continued to get weirder until we had finally finished recording. I kept my Skype open as I put all of my recording stuff up.

"So, umm, Megan, I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but, do you want to go out to dinner some time?" He asked quietly. I was so glad that it was only me and him left on the Skype call, I didn't want another incident.

"Umm, Sure," I replied," how about tonight at 7?"

"great!" he replied.

-------timeskip to 7-----------

I heard him knock on my door. I had on a plain white shirt and a baby blue skirt and my favorite pair of puma tennis shoes(IDK what they r called I'm srry). I opened the door to see Mitch standing there in jeans and a white t shirt with his red checked hoodie.

"you ready?" he asked.

"yep, lets go" I replied. we avoided everyone to try to avoid making a scene, and soon we were in his car driving towards the restaurant. we had a nice dinner, and we found that we had a lot in common. I couldn't stop staring at him. the way his hair was so perfect, his warm chocolate brown eyes. he was really cute. WAIT, did I really just think that? Maybe I was falling for him. And maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. after dinner we went outside.

"hey, so I was wondering, Megan, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"yes" I replied simply, then I kissed him. it was so unexpected that it took him a moment to relies what was happening, and when he did he pulled me closer to him. we broke apart and I asked, " so how are we going to tell the other guys?"

" well we should probably just tell them when we get back, its better than them accidentally finding out anyways" he replied. we got into his car and rove back to the house. as we were about to walk in a grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the living room where everyone was sitting around talking. They all looked at us, and then our intertwined hands. I noticed that Angie and Jason were snuggling together and so were Ty and Taylor. Julia and Jordan were no where to be found, but I bet they were in one over their rooms making out or something. Adam and Jerome both looked very angry and quickly turned away, while Taylor spoke up and asked, " so Megan, you and Mitch?"

"yep" I replied kissing him. he blushed slightly. Adam and Jerome both excused them selves, and Ian and Quinten quickly followed.

"what's their problem?" I asked sitting down and snuggling into Mitch's shoulder.

"their just jealous" he said, kissing me.

finally some drama and relationships right? Anyways, Im probably going to have a lot of drama in the next chapter, And also a massive timeskip as well, so be prepared. Anyways BU-BYE

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