Chapter 11

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Megan's POV

It went on like that for most of the rest of the week. I would lie in bed and stare at the ceiling. I would only come down for breakfast, and most of the time would come down early so I didn't have to see all the pity in their eyes and movements, acting like I'm a child who just lost there parents. they would come up and try to coax me out of bed or get me to talk. I replied with grunts to their questions and simply didn't move. Jerome was up there the most, always trying to make me feel better. I would go for a walk for every once in awhile, and would always go down to that particular Starbucks. the people there were kind to me, and after they noticed that I was depressed, asked me what's wrong. I broke down crying and they comforted me. I liked them a lot.

finally on Friday night I could take it anymore. I got out my razor and took out the blade.

"this is for the pity in their eyes" I said


"this is for the boyfriend and the BFF who is dead to me"


"this is for the physical and emotional pain"


by now I had 2 slices going down one arm and 1 going down the other. the world was going fuzzy at the edges, but I didn't care. I heard Jerome burst in shouting "MEGAN"

"this is for the anger I feel"


and that's all I remember before blacking out.

Jerome's POV

I walked in to try and get Megan to come eat dinner with us when I saw her. blood was running down both arms and she had a razor in her hands

"this is for the anger I feel" she said.


I winced at the sound of the razor being drawn across her skin.

"MEGAN" I shouted she didn't appear to hear me as I ran up to try and get her to stop. I grabbed her as she fell down. I noticed that the cuts weren't particularly deep. I picked her up and rushed down stairs.

"CALL AN ABULANCE!!!" I screamed at them. they rushed around and soon she was being rushed to the hospital.


Megan's POV

I woke up the oh so relaxing sound of a heartbeat monitor. ii growled and tried to get up, but I was to weak. I hated hospitals, even though I was never really in them. I looked around as doctors rushed in.

"she's awake send in the visitors!" they called. immediately my room was flooded with all the members of team crafted, I even saw Mitch and Chelsea at the back of the room. I looked up at them and saw all the relief, worry, and to my absolute hatred, more pity.

"thank god your awake!" Adam said

"MEGAN!" Taylor, Angie, and Julia all converged on me in a group hug.

"cant... breathe" I said and they all got off me.

"hi..." Mitch said from the back of the room. My friends responded immediately and formed a makeshift wall between me and him.

"what do you want?" I said sounding tired.

"I'm sorry..." he said before exiting the room. then the doctors came back in and said they all had to leave because I needed my rest.

----------timeskip to when she gets out of the hospital---------------

as I was walking around the house I noticed everyone either stared and my scars or looked at me with even more pity then before. I couldn't take that. so that night I packed my bags and left. I packed everything I wanted to bring with me into a small carry on bag grabbed my keys and drove to the airport. I bought my ticket and got on the plane. as we were flying away it occurred to me that I didn't leave a note. Oh well. I would make a vlog once I got off the plane and send it to them.

------------------------------1 year later--------------------------------------

Jerome's POV

I was heartbroken when she left. we woke up and I want to check on her and found some of her stuff gone and her not there. I check her youtube account and she told us that she had left and not to look for her. After all that trouble I had gone to, to make her mine. when Mitch had told me that he thought her friend, Chelsea was cute I jumped on the chance to make Megan mine. and then she had just left us. its been a year, and we had finally stopped looking, but I still watched her video's from time to time. I had set up Mitch and Chelsea, all in the hopes that when she found out she would come to me. But she didn't. Yes that's right, I had betrayed her trust and gone behind her back to make her boyfriend cheat on her, but it was all for love right?

Megan's POV

I uploaded a vlog saying that I wasn't going to be uploading for awhile, and was now longing on my bed in my new house. I shared it with some of my other old friends, who were kind enough to let me stay with them. I still missed teamcrafted and all the fun I had there and with them, but I didn't not miss the drama or the pity. here, we all had to work together to pay the bills, and there was no time for pity. It still hurt to think about Mitch's betrayal, though.

Julia's POV (haven't done this in forever)

I was watching Megan's most recent vlog when I noticed something in the background. it was a view out the window and I recognized it. I immediately knew where she was. She was at her old house. I screamed! everyone came rushing up stairs and Jordan ran over to me asking what was wrong. he's such a caring boyfriend.


"Slow down what did you say?" Adam said.

"I. Know. Where. to . Find. Megan." I said.

oooooohhhhh cliffy. I wonder what will happen next? you'll have to see ;} anyways BU-BYE

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