Youtuber Love Triangle??? {A Teamcraft/My Oc's Fan fiction}

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Megan's POV

It was just a normal day for me. well, not really but whatever. Me and my friends were going to a minecraft convention, where we were hoping to meet skydoesminecraft and the rest of team crafted! I couldn't wait! as we walked up I saw how long the line was just to get in. "good thing we have VIP passes," I said.

"Ya," one of my friends, Angie, replied.

"they have an anime section in this place, don't they?' my other friend, Taylor asked.

"oh hey look there's Julia!" I said while waving my arms around to try to get her attention. she saw me and walked over.


"Julia stop fangirling" I replied as we started walking towards the entrance.

"THAT WOULD BE PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!" she said, still screaming. I faceplamed. "that's it Julia just scare them with fangirling. I had to admit that I was fangirling like crazy to, but at least no one could tell that I was.

"so straight over to their both, and after we get our stuff sighed we go over to the anime section, right?" Angie asked.

"yep,"i replied. we had all brought stuff for them to sigh.I had brought a foam diamond sword, Angie brought a minecraft poster, Julia brought a Creeper plushie, and taylor brought a notebook, which curiously said deathnote on the front (comment if you got that reference). As we waited for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes, we finally got to the front. Julia just started hyperventilating, so a had to pat her on the back and say "calm down" multipule times before she could even talk.

"hi, can you guys sign these for us please?" I asked politly. we handed them our stuff to sign, and taylor turned to me and asked, "which anime do you want to look at first? they have booths for a bunch of them."

"do they have FMA?" I asked. it was at that moment that skydoesminecraft decided to interrupt.

"hey what happened to your friend?" he asked. I looked over and Julia had collapsed on the ground from excitement.

"sorry she's a really big fan of you guys," I said as I helped her up.

"wait a second, are you DragonsRoar1234?" sky asked.

"ummmmmmm... yes, how do you know that?" I said uncertainly. I was very confused.

"im a big fan over yours!" he replied

"... what are you talking about? my channel is like MICROSCOPIC compared to yours." I said, now very, very confused.

"ya I discovered your channel a few weeks ago when I was bored so I googled something random and it came up so I watch some of your vids" he replied. I simply look at him, dumbstruck.

"well its nice to know my channel of 8 subscribers is supplying entertainment to people who are bored out of there mind all around the world" I replied sarcastically. I still could not belive that he had even found my channel, much less liked my videos. I mean, come on, as if. my videos weren't even that GOOD. I immediately started fangirling in my mind.

"so, umm do you want to hang out later or something?" he asked.

" sure you can find us looking at stuff in the anime section I guess..." I replied uncertainly. was he asking me out, or was this some stupid dare or WHAT? I WAS SO CONFUSED. first, he actually LIKED my videos, second, He had found them in the first place, and third, IT SOUNDED LIKE HE JUST ASKED ME OUT!!!!

"ok then" he said smiling. they finished signing our stuff and as soon as we were out of earshot, all my friends turned to me. I was lost in thought, many very disturbing fan fictions running through my head, so I didn't notice the staring.

"what?" I asked when I finally noticed, still slightly dazed.

"WHAT? WHAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY? YOU JUST GO A DATE WITH A SKYDOESMINECRAFT AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS WHAT?" Julia screamed. she looked very, very angry. her being so load snapped me back into reality. Dangit.

"ya come on Megan where are our boyfriends?" Taylor asked sarcastically. she was just here for the anime, cause she didn't watch sky or any of teamcrafted.

I sighed," fine I will try to hook you guys up, but no promises."

"YAY" they all screamed. I think they probably heard our entire conversation but oh well. We browsed through all the anime stuff for about a hour or so when sky came up to me again. the rest of team crafted was behind him, along with CaptainSparklez aka Jordan

"hi" I said awkwardly, staring at my feet which were suddenly very interesting.

"we heard your entire conversation you know" he said .

"ya, well whatcha goina do?"  I asked, looking up. he looked stumped. It was then that I noticed that Julia was staring at Jordan. Pair number one found I thought to my self smiling.

"what are you smiling about?' sky asked me.

"nothing!" I said quickly, looking at my feet to hid the blush. I spot Taylor and Angie slowly inching closer to them.

"uh ok," sky says, confused.

"do you wan t to go get some lunch or something?" I ask quietly. I was fangirling like crazy on the inside. WHAT WAS I DOING?? NO WAY HE WOULD GO WITH ME, NOT EVEN TO LUNCH!!!

"sure!" he says. I was so startled by his answer that I jumped in surprise, looking at him to make sure he wasn't messing with me. so far none of the other guys have said anything. I noticed Mitch and Jerome staring at me, while Husky and Jason are both staring at Angie, and Ty and Sundee are staring at Taylor. Jordan seems to have noticed Julia staring at him and they've enter a silent staring compotition.

"ummmm... Guys come on... Hello?" I say uncertainly. I still couldn't get over the fact that I had meet them and become friends, if you could call it that, with them. I sigh, I can deal with conflicted emotions later, I have to deal with my friends now. this will attracted some attention but oh well, whatever.

"WILL YOU IDIOTS STOP STARING AT MY FRIENDS AND COME ON!!!!!" I screamed. they didn't seem to notice me.

"here let me try" Adam said. I thought for a second and then said, "no I think I can at least get my friends out of their apparent daze"

"alright, what ever you say' he replied

I screamed the weirdest anime pairing that came to mind right in their ears "ALPHONES ELRIC X BLAIR FROM SOUL EATER!!!!!" all my friends jumped and looked at me like I was insane.

"Why. Did. You. Even. Say. That." Taylor snarled. Well, crap. I pissed off Taylor. Luckily I was saved from getting attacked by Taylor by Julia screaming

"OH GOD THE IMAGES!" Julia cried. The rest of team crafted seemed to snap out of their daze, and they all looked at me in confusion. Of course they didn't know what I was talking about, it WAS anime.

"We are in the anime section, did you expect me not to be weird?" I asked in my most insane voice, which had even creeped out my parents sometimes. They looked very disturbed by this and I burst out laughing.

"Alright lets go get something to eat, I'm starved." I said, still laughing. As we walk to the cafeteria place thing whatever, Mitch and Jerome walk up to me.

"hi sorry for not introducing our selves earlier, but I'm Mitch and this is Jerome" Mitch says, pointing to him and Jerome.

"I already know who you are, but hi I'm Megan" I say as I stick my hand out for them to shake. we shake hands, trying not to freak out and fangirl, and I say "our friends seem to be getting along rather nicely." they look over and notice that the rest of team crafted has mingled in with my four friends and are all trying to get to know each other. Julia and Jordan have entered a silent staring contest again.

"Hey Julia," I shout, "stop with the staring contest we both know that you never win those!" Everyone looks at Jordan and her and they both start blushing madly. She glares at me and in response I just stick my tongue out at her. This was going to be fun.

Ok so how is this for a start? I am really bad at "thinking creatively" so ya... MOVING ON (do think I should be more of a fangirl around them or not?)

Youtuber Love Triangle??? {A Teamcraft/My Oc's Fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now