Chapter 6

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-----------------time skip to LA-------------------------------------

Megan's POV

"WOW YOUR HOUSE IS HUGE!!!!' I say as I look around in surprise. I mean, I knew it was big but this, this was HUGE.

"here, Ill show you to your rooms" Jerome said. Angie< Taylor, and Julia were all in shock of how big this place was, so I had to snap them out of it again.

"ROY MUSTANG AND BLAIR FROM SOUL EATER" I shouted. they all turned and immediately glared at me.

"I'm sorry" I sad in my small voice. they soften a little bit.

"ok fine you are forgiven" they said.

"YAY" I said.

"ummmm..." Jerome said as he watch the strange exchange.

"oh right rooms, lead the way Jerome" I said and we followed him to our rooms. I flopped down on the bed.

"I'm going to take a nap" I said, tried from the plane ride.

"so are we" my friends replied.

-------I really am lazy aren't I? time skip----------------------

we had waited until they had all fallen asleep, and then crept out of our rooms with all the anime stuff, found a spare bed room with a tv in it(for some reason) and set everything up. we then all went back to sleep and waited until morning. Once everyone had woken up but was still bleary eyed we shove them in the room and lock the door from the outside and started FMA from there.

""what the???" I heard Adam say.

"and there goes your social life" I said back to him.

"YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME, NOO WWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYY" Jerome shouted as he ponded on the door.

"nope your all stuck in there with nothing to do but watch anime, HAVE FUN!!!!!!" I shouted in my insane voice.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I heard them all scream as me and my friends walked away laughing like insane people (which we were).

----------------------yet another time skip------------------------------------

"alright its been about 5 hours, we should probably let them out" I said

"awwwww... alright, but I call not opening the door" Julia replied.

"same here" Angie said quickly

"ditto' Taylor replied

"fine, ill go get them" I said as I got up off their couch. as I walked up to their room I was debating my plan. open the door and hope not to get trampled, or face them head on? As I got closer to the door I could here them screaming at each other. was anime really that bad to them? but soon I could distinguish what they were screaming about.

"ANGIES MINE, SO BACK OFF" I heard Jason scream.

"STAY AWAY FROM TAYLOR, YOU DIDNT ASK HER OUT!!!!" that sounded like Ty. an then the most interesting part to me was..

"MEGANS MINE, YOU HEAR ME" I think that was Jerome

"WELL YOU DIDNT ASK HER OUT NOW DID YOU?????!!!!!" I think that was Adam, but it was hard to tell.

"YOU DIDNT ASK HER OUT EITHER, ADAM, AND DO EITHER OF YOU HAVE HER PHONE NUMBER??? I DONT THINK SO!!!!" that was obviously Mitch. I ran back down stairs and got Taylor and Angie to follow me. we listened to them fight over us for a little while, and poor Jordan was just trying to calm them all down. I had enough. I walked over to the door, and turned the nob slowly, and pushed the door in. I was met with to chaos. pillows were strewn everywhere, the blankets were torn up, no one was even watching the animes anymore, and I looked like it had become a fist fight. I growled. IDIOTS I thought to myself. as much as I loved getting fought over, this was going to far.

"STOP!!!!!" I screamed. they all looked startled and turned to stare at the now open door with a very, very, pissed off girl standing in it.

"Idiots, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?????? YOUR GREAT FRIENDS AND THEN SOME RANDOM FANGIRLS SHOW UP AND YOU TURN INTO SAVAGES?????? DO YOU NOT THINK THAT WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN CHOCIES???????" I screamed at them. they looked startled, and then as my words seemed to soak in they began to look ashamed. good, they should be. I march in and grabbed the anime dvd disks, and stormed out.

"Megan where are you going?" Jerome called out.

"to my room to watch some nice violent anime" I replied. I needed to blow off some steam.

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