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My Flor


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"I dreamed that my mom had told me that I couldn't trust you or E.J so the room then shifted and you had shot me," I said as she rubbed my back.

"I would never do such a thing (Y/N) but I understand if you don't trust me. To be honest it doesn't feel right for me to be here when I had brought you back to the hell like place. But I have found a cabin close to here in the forest and I've been debited to stay there." Said A.R.

"Do you not like it here?" I asked her.

"This place is really big and I'm not used to it what so ever but the cabin is small but the perfect size for me. I mean I would visit often but I just feel really weird here I will leave your clothes here and-"

"No those clothes don't fit me you go ahead and live there and keep the clothes as well," I said.

"Okay." She said.

By the way where's E.J?" I asked her.

"Oh, he's sleeping." She responded.


"Thanks for helping me A.R it means a lot to me," I said as I hugged her.

"No thank you for beginning my first friend!" She shouted smiling. "Stay safe I'll make sure to visit!" She shouted as she ran back into the forest while holding the suitcase.

"So she left, why?" I turned to be looking at the same navy blue mask with empty eye sockets.

"So she said this place was way too big for her but she found a cabin nearby so she won't be too far," I responded.

"I see." He said.

"Hey E.J?" I asked as I looked up at the star-filled sky.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"I...nevermind." I lied as I looked at my hands.

"You seem stressed are you sure your okay?" He asked as he placed his hand my shoulder making me tense up.

"Y-ya I am," I lied once more.

You can't trust him~

"Alright, I'll be inside." He stated as he walked back into the house.

I then walked over to the ocean allowing my bare feet to touch the water.

"So alone, have you put my advice into mind my little flor?" I turned around to be looking at a woman with wolf-like ears and a tail that changed from slim to fluffy.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked in a rough voice.

"Oh my little daughter does I look that different, I'm your mother my little flor." She said hugging me.

"No, you died." I softly whispered.

"Hehe oh don't worry about that my little sweet I'll explain later, but for now how about we go back to our home," She said now looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Okay, mom," I said as I felt my legs become unsteady and fall to the sand before hearing,


Published: May 30, 2017

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