Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Her Eyes


3rd Person
"So it all started when I was born, I lived a good life at first I had a mom and dad and we had money, ya at times I felt sad but not depressed. One day I was pushed off a cliff by my so call friend. When I fell I lost half of my blood and had shattered my skull. The chance of me begin alive was very low. My dad then found this place since they are the best and he begged them to save me, but in return, they asked if they could do some testing so my dad let them. But accept of looking for blood that was like mine they injected wolf blood into me, the next day I woke up like this and hungry so I tried to eat human food but I threw it up, so they told me that I had to human and the only humans I was allowed to kill was my mom and dad......I regret to this day......" Finished the young girl with black hair.

Her ears dropped to the side of her head as wet tears fell from her eyes.

"Wow..." responded the older girl named (Y/N). "I'm sorry, but I still hate you." Responded (Y/N).

"I know I know but I really do want to help I don't you suffer like me-"

"Then why did you turn us in?" Asked the eyeless creature glaring at the young girl.

"I didn't know they were planning on doing those tests." Responded the girl placing her head in her arms as she laid on the floor.

"How long have you been here and how old are you?" Asked (Y/N) a little bit scared of what her answer would be.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"I've been here for 8 years and I'm 13." Responded A.R.

"8 years?!" I yelled.

"Ya I was pushed off the cliff when I was 5, hehe I'm such a baka." Was all A.R said before letting her head fall onto her arms.

I lifted an eyebrow and slightly touched her with my finger on her cheek. All she did was twitch. How did she sleep that fast!

"That's not fair!" I yelled startling E.J slightly.

"Anyways what are we going to do to escape?" I asked looking at E.J.

"Maybe she can help, she says she been her for 8 years so has to know the place now." Responded E.J.

I hummed a little in response and kept staring at A.R sleeping body. 

I wonder how she tastes like?

Wait why am I asking that?! My stomach then rumbled softly, that explains it.

I then looked at the metal door and looked around the room for anything to use.

"If you want to escape wait for someone armed to come we can both kill them use their gun and then go his office and get our sixth sense back." Responded A.R lazily.

"I thought you were asleep," I stated.

"I don't sleep that fast." Said A.R her red eyes glaring at me.

Her glare. It looked like at the same time she wanted to help but hated my guts. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. The glare was one a mother would give to their child after they did something wrong but twice as worst.

She then looked away and went back to sleep.

I saw E.J only nodded his head in a no motion and laid his head on the pillow on his bed. I then looked at the door again. How long do I have to stay here?

Published: May 17, 2017
First Edit: June 19, 2017

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