Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Thank You


3rd Person
"I'm so sorry that happen to you." Said A.R.

"Heh, it's okay." Responded (Y/N)

"I bet you don't even care even less with the fact you hurt her two times." Responded E.J coldly.

"Why are you so protective of her? First, when I took (Y/N) for the testing you did nothing to help and you hardly talked at all but now your all protective. And (Y/N) claimed that you both were not mates so what's with beginning protective?" Asked A.R

"....Tch as if I would tell someone like you...." Responded E.J

"You two, both stop arguing." Complained (Y/N).

E.J's P.O.V
"Why are you so protective of her?" Asked A.R snarling her teeth.

Why am I protective of her? All she is a useless human who can't do anything. Although she proved she can kill it's not necessarily her who's doing it. She's as weak as an insect. A meal even. Yet I have not eaten her yet... She's just a meal to me as if she's anything special...

"You know maybe you're in love with her." Whispered A.R into my ear.

I growled slightly at her getting (Y/N)'s attention.

"You okay E.J?" Asked (Y/N) her eyes with concern.

"Why, worry about me worry about yourself your as weak as an insect," I replied.

She stayed silent and followed A.R.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"Hey A.R can we take a break?" I asked her as I became weak and weaker with each step she then came to a stop.

"Sure I'll go find some campers and bring back what they have so stay here, and rest." Said A.R smiling and running off.

How did she not get tired?

"Hey E.J?"

"Hm?" He hummed.

"What if we were mates?" I asked him.

"First and last I would decline you and I will always decline. Remember your just a pet and I'm your owner. It would be strange if the two had a romantic interest no?" He asked.

My eyes widen at his answer. A small ping of pain was caused where my heart should be.

"But what if-"

"I'm back! And with food and water!" Shouted A.R as she dropped water bottles, a bag of marshmallows, and placed a cooked fish in my hands.

"Why did you get marshmallows?" Asked E.J.

"It's been a very long time since I have had any I have so much as forgotten what it tastes like." Stated A.R opening the bag and stuffing one in her mouth.

Her eyes lit up with delight as her tail softly hit the ground and her ears were leaning back in pleasure.

"It's that good?" I asked her.

"Ya, it is!" She shouted her mouth still full.

"May I have one?" I asked her.

She nodded her head delightedly and stuffed one into my mouth.

"This is tastefull!" I shouted.

"You both are stupid we're in the forest and your both acting like kids and as if everything is all right. But of course what do I expect from two female humans." Complain E.J kicking the ground.

"If you plan on to begin this mean E.J why don't you just leave!" I growled at him as my ears leaned back and my tail swished left and right at a fast pace.

"Hah! As if I would leave two meals wide opened and alive," he said.

A.R growled slightly at him as her tail ruffled and her ears perked up.

"I helped you both including you! I could have easily left you for dead meat so be grateful you....thing!" Snarled A.R as she glared at E.J.

"Well I didn't ask for your help plus I would have escaped easily even without someone as pathic as you!" Shouted E.J.

E.J pounced on A.R grabbing her neck. A.R took some clawed swings one making his mask fall. She started snapping at him. I lifted up a rock and slammed it onto E.J's head. He then fell onto A.R as then she kicked him off.

"Thank you, but why?" Asked A.R.

"Your statement was true you saved us both plus you gave me food and easily betrayed. So I owe you. By the way, I've been meaning so ask why did you betray so easily?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't want the same thing that happen to me to happen to you." Responded A.R.

I nodded. "Thank you," I responded.

"Well, should the cabin should only be a mile ahead do want carry him and tie him up so he dosesn't hurt you?" Asked A.R.

"Sure by the way how are we supposed to carry him? I asked.

"Hm how about like this," With that A.R grabbed his wrist and started dragging him.

"Works I guess let's go." I said dropping the fish and picking up the bottles of bottle and marshmallows.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"May I stay with you both please?" I started at her with wide eyes she looked into my eyes. "I won't be useless I promise I'll help do cleaning, I'll hunt for food, and I'll-"

"Sure," I responded.

"Wah?!" She responded in surprise.

"I owe you not only that but I may still hate you a little for what you have done you're just like me. Society hates us." I said placing my arm around her neck as her eyes lit up and a small tear formed on the tip of her eye.

"Thank you! I promise to not fail you!" Shouted A.R dragging E.J at a faster pace.

Published: May 22, 2017
First Edit: June 19, 2017

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