Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up to feel that I was tied and saw E.J without a mask.

"Miyu!" I shouted waking up E.J. I then gasped to see his 'eyes'.

I looked in horror his eyes were empty and black as tar feel from his eyes. His skin an ashy gray. Yes, I had seen his lower half everything fit. Like the last puzzle piece to a big picture now completing it.

"Whats wrong missed me?" Asked Miyu coming out with a bat. I saw her slightly hit my thing. I yelled in pain. I looked down to see it bloody.

"Hehe aw don't cry~" Cooed Tora with a whip in hand as she hit me once hard.

Another yell.

"You'll be okay~," Said Makaya cutting my check with a knife.

The third yell. "Leave her alone!" Shouted E.J.

The pain I felt was unbearable.




"PAY!" Shouted all three of them all hitting me at the same time.

"YOU NEVER DESERVED TO LIVE!" Shouted Makaya slashing the knife against my skin making it open and blood to come out.

"WE WENT THROUGH MORE PAIN THEN YOU!" Yelled Tora hitting me two times with the whip causing 2 red marks to appear.

"You're a sin and you need to pay." Said Miyu lifting up the bat. She got in a stance as if ready to hit anyone and anything.

"Please. Help. Me...."
I begged to no one.

"GAHHHH!" The pain. She hit my leg. My bone cracked under such a strong sudden pressure. My bone could be seen ripping through my (S/C) skin. 

I cried.

I yelled.

Hoping for anyone to save me.

My head fell forward. As I remembered a song my mom and dad sang to me at night when I cried.

"Please don't take my sunshine away~" 
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"You are my sunshine~"
"My only sunshine~"
"You make me happy~"
"When skies are gray~"

My moms voice sang through my head. As I cried. It was all so painful. It was like a drug. I was addicted to it. Even now at my age and in this pain. I still miss her beautiful voice. The way her face just shined with beauty from the outside and in.

I just want mom and dad. My life. All of it.





"I WANT MY LIFE BACK!" I shouted.

The fact the bone was piercing outside of my skin. And that my ankle was mangled did not sink in. I felt my head fall forward as I was seeing a blinding light and a figure.

I'll be there soon mom.......I'll be there soon.....

E.J's P.O.V

I started hearing (Y/N)'s heart beat slowly slow down at a threatening pace. Until. It stopped beating in all.



"BITCHES!" I shouted tugging on the restrains. They then ripped as I saw one pull out a gun and shoot me. I didn't stay down. The one with green eyes ran through the door and locked it leaving the other two in here with me.



"Kill us." They begged. I only smirked by how vulnerable humans could be.

To acting cocky to begin as weak as a rat.

All humans were the same. I tackled the one with the knife making her drop it. She first picked up the knife and threw it at (Y/N). But it only hit her rope making her fall.

I gasped to see (Y/N) use her hands to stand. Her (E.E/C) eyes now a darker color of it. She smiled in an insane matter showing her sharp fangs. Her (E/C) (A/T) ears were up and her tail was swishing back and forth behind her.

"How about you all play my little game. This little (A/T) just wants to play~" She cooed her eyes showing insanity.

Her nails then grew sharp. Most likely sharper than a knife.

So she had her own monster side as well.

Published: April 28, 2017
First Edit: May 14, 2017
Second Edit: June 19, 2017

Disclaimer: I give full credit to Jasmine Thompson, the cover singer above and to the original creator of the song as well. None of it belongs to me.

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