Chapter Five: 18 Years Old

Start from the beginning

She and Hunter are still going strong. Sadly he hasn't spontaneously combusted. On our Thursday movie nights, we normally spend lots of time talking about her problems with Hunter.

Ol said he knew a guy who knew a guy who could get me a guy to make Hunter 'disappear'. It worries me what my best friend gets up to in his spare time.

Oliver and Rose more commonly know as Roliver are quickly climbing the school social chart as the cutest couple in school, helps that they won King and Queen in the winter wonderland dance.

What was I doing during that dance? Drinking. Then drinking some more. I hate looking at Hunter and Wren. They look so beyond happy together and I can't even make myself happy sometimes.

I'm just keeping it all in and one day I'm going to explode.

"Roe. Roe. Roeroe!" Brittany snapped her fingers in front of my face smiling.

"Uhh... Hi?"

She giggled softly bouncing on the balls of her feet before leaning in and whispering in my ear. "Curtain in five."

I breathed in deeply kneeling my forehead.

I can do this, I can do this.

I kept repeating my mantra over and over again as Brittany rubbed my shoulders, hands, and forehead. She knows how stressed I get when performing in front of extra large quantities of people.

Brittany was lovely and had I not been head over heels with Wren we'd make a great couple, I think so anyway, students are always telling me that we'd make a cute couple.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll try and be with her.

One day.

"Your lucky to have such amazing friends like Oliver and Rose. They're adorable and have the coolest signs."

I groaned leaning my head on her shoulder. She smelt of that one Hollister perfume I love. I breathed in her scent deeply mindlessly snuggling into Brittany's shoulder.

I wish it was Wren.

She blushed slightly and stroked my cheek before whispering in my ear. "Curtain in, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!"

Then I jumped onto the battle field we earthlings call a stage.


"My love, my sun, and my stars, how dare I leave you now?" I asked clutching Brittany's hand close trying very hard not to laugh at Oliver who was holding up a circle with his finger and inserting another finger in that hole while thrusting forward in his chair.

He looked like a complete and utter knob. But he was my knob and I loved him and all his sexual innuendos.

"You must go my love. For us both to be happy you must flee the country! We shall Skype from where ever you end up my darling." She spoke sweetly stroking my face.

I looked deep into her eyes trying desperately not to laugh at our awful lines. This modern day version of Romeo and Juliet is one of the weirdest plays I've ever performed.

Brittany quickly spewed out a few lines before walking away tears running down her face as I turned to face the stage, and began belting out a cover of Amber Run 'I found.'

I stared at Wren who sat next to Rose and Ol, looking bored out of her mind as she tapped away on her phone. Granted we'd become great friends over the last few months she's been ignoring me while Hunter was around. It made me feel unwanted.

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