"I was the one who showed you the way when Machmiya called you out to apologise!"

Huh? Was there such a person? Too many things have been going on lately.

You tried not to be rude and said excited back:

"Oh yea! Now I remember! Thank you for your help!" you continued to lie.

"Machimiya's such an idiot right?" her bright green eyes that were on you just a moment ago now focused on something behind you.

"But it wouldn't be so bad to date him, I guess," she whispered.

"Huh?" you weren't sure if you heard her right.

"Nothing. I've got to go, It was nice meeting you," before she was about to walk away, she added:

"by the way, I'm-"

Just in that moment Arakita walked past, your eyes widened. The girl whose name you didn't catch, waved you goodbye. You waved back.

"A-Arakita wait!" you sprinted up to him.

"Let's get lunch shall we?" you smiled at him however he just turned away again.

'Let's stop this. I'm done playing with you.'

You didn't know what he meant so you watched him leave again.

This time, however, you balled your fist:

"I'm not going to let you get away with this again!"

You shouted, ran up to him one more time and tackled him onto the ground. 

Your face was inches away from his and you stared at each other, other students were staring at you, you stared back at them, they averted their eyes, you continued to stare at them, they quickly walked away, you stared back at each other. (( wow that was one hell of a ride))

"Arakita..." you said softly, he looked away.

"Why are you avoiding me again? I-It's not fair, I thought we were friends," the sadness in your voice surprised you but you should start being honest.

He still didn't say anything and continued to look away. Feeling exasperated you buried your head in his chest. As much as you would've liked to see his reaction you didn't want him to see yours so you kept your head down and tugged on his shirt.

I...I don't want to lie anymore, you thought. 

It floated around in your mind until you realised you said them out loud.

"Lie about what?" he finally spoke.

You looked at him and he sat up however you were still on his lap and this time you buried your head in your hands. All of a sudden you felt a hand touching your head. He was patting you! You felt this was familiar.

"I'm not dating the captain! I like him but not romantically!" you muffled from your hands.

"I see," his hand moved down to the back of your head and softly pushed you towards his chest.

You didn't care if you were in the middle of the hallway but you guessed that no one else was present anyways.

"Y-You know Arakita. There's this guy I like but I don't know...no I don't think he likes me back."

Arakita continued to pat your head.

"Then he's a stupid fool," it was the first time you heard Arakita's voice being so soft.

Your eyes met however you pulled away first and whispered:

"Yes he's really a fool.."

"Arakita," you spoke normally again, "Is there someone you like?"

This time it was his turn to look away.

"Not really, I guess..."

"I see..." you felt like crying, so you freed yourself from his embrace and stood up.

"Are you still up for lunch?" you asked him while stretching yourself.

Before you knew it, his hair tickled your face and you felt his arms wrap around your back.

"She's also a fool, you know," he whispered softly, "And a stupid midget to add."

The tears finally rolled down your face.

"Ah, I see."

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now