[02] ⋄

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To the boy who was talked nonstop about,

I still cannot believe they placed bars on your windows! What kind of people do that? Those muggles better watch their backs. Especially that dreadful uncle of yours. All negative feelings aside, Harry it's very good to see you, this Summer has been so uneventful. And by far it's amazing to be away from home. Cetus would have joined but decided to go visit a friend in France. It would have been nice for you to finally meet him. Isn't the Burrow lovely? Honestly, it's so much better than the Silvercrest Château. Harry, Ginny would not stop speaking of you. The moment that you arrived, I probably shouldn't be writing about this but... I lied. Ginny obviously fancies you and asked for advice, so I gave it to her. And I might have openly admitted that I fancied you. She questioned me about it, and I lied right to her face. I feel bad because if I tell her the truth or she finds out, it might damage our friendship. I really didn't think this one through, did I? I'm going to end it here, Mrs. Weasley probably needs help with dinner.


Girl who lied

dear boy with the green eyes ⁂ golden trio era (UNDER EDITING/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now