"It's nothing." He laughed. I gave him the look waiting for him to confess. "I'm serious. Trust me." He said softly. I gave him a small smile and hugged him again. "I'll see you soon babe." I cringed at the pet name while Rick laughing knowing my reaction. I kissed his cheek and he walked off giving me one final wave before he was gone.

I sighed and walked back to the car. I felt like I was being watched like in the movies but knew I was being crazy. But still I'm not like those stupid girls in the movies so instead of waiting to figure it out I dashed to my car. When I closed the driver's door and started the ignition, I froze. Right on my dashboard was a single white rose and a little white card. I don't remember Rick leaving this...maybe it was a surprise. I picked up the card and read it. In beautiful cursive it wrote:

White; for your innocence.

Innocence I once held.

I furrowed my eyes and kept rereading it. If this was from Rick this was pretty creepy. I swallowed my spit and pulled out of the parking lot. Innocence I once held. What the hell does that mean? I drove all the way to the mall, still trying to think about where the flower came from. I already texted Rick and I'm waiting for him to land so he can respond. Innocence. As if I had any left.

I walked into the back room of the store and greeted Tye. He was about to leave for his lunch break so I had to take over the store. Rebecca was out for today but Lexi was still here.

                "Hey Lexi." I waved. She smiled and waved back happily. There are only few girls I would befriend and Lexi is definitely one of them. She is so chilled and laid back. Yes she has her girly times, mostly because she has a boyfriend. She never did tell me who he was though. She just talks about how sweet he is.

                "I missed you last week!" She pouted.

                "I know! I missed you too." I went behind the counter next to her and leaned back on the counter. "So when do you leave today?" I asked.

                "Bae is coming to pick me up for lunch." She smiled as she handed back the customer's change sending them a quiet 'thank you'.

                "Oh!" I gasped. "I get to meet mystery man?" I smiled suggestively.

                "Yes you do!" She laughed. "I'll be right back, I have to get my jacket." She waved me off as she went into the back room.

After helping a few people and having some conversations with others I leaned against the counter waiting for what's next. I guess I shouldn't have been so eager...

                "Jamie?" A deep voice called out lowly. My head snapped in his direction and I know my eyes are saucers. What is he doing here!? Never thought this would happen...

He slowly walked up to the counter and somewhat eyed me as if confused to see me here. No! Why are you here! I thought. "Sanders? What are you doing here?" I asked, not making myself sound friendly in anyway.

                "I'm-," He began but was cut off.

                "Babe!" Lexi yelled walking over to us. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. I stared in shock until they pulled apart. "Jamie, this is Sanders's, my boyfriend." She wrapped her arm around his waist. Sanders's held his confused face but smiled a little as he looked at Lexi. Wait a minute! Sanders is her boyfriend! Lexi is Sanders's girlfriend? How is this possible? How did she end up with him?

                "Sanders is your boyfriend? The one you have been talking about?" I asked dumbfounded.

                "Yes." She laughed. "You know each other?" She asked. I nodded slowly and looked at him for a second.

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