+-+ Forty Six +-+

21 1 0

tw: mention of self harm if you squint hard enough

- Danny's View -

As the wedding slowly came to an end, Patty was pulling cake out of his nose piercing. I got slightly too wild with it and was being more of a jerk than anything.

"Hey baby." I whispered, softly wrapping my arms around his waist stopping him from cleaning.

"Hey there beautiful." Patty replies, looking at me in the mirror and smiling.

It was honestly so hard to see that this man had fallen in love with me. That someone so childish and adorable; could fall for someone who was more mature.

But I guess opposites attract right?

"Are we just staying home for the week and spending our honeymoon in our new house?" Patty asked, pulling me closer to him so my arms were wrapped around him more.

"Exactly. Why spend money on a trip when I have everything I want right here?" I said softly, kissing the nape of his neck.

"That's adorable and kinda gross at the same time." Patty laughed, placing the piercing back in his nose.

"I'm sorry about the cake." I mumbled, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"It's alright. It was bound to happen honestly." Patty laughed, moving out of my grip.

His eyes were still bloodshot, from all the crying he has done today. From perhaps before the wedding, the wedding itself, and the reception afterwards.

The soft pale colour of brown I fell in love with, had been covered over with red. Not the red from getting stoned; but the red from crying too much.

"Are you ready to go home?" I asked, lacing our hands together.

"As long as I'm with you I don't care where we are." Patty smiles, softly kissing our laced hands.

We walk from the bathroom and out to the car, our hands still laced together but the tightness fading slightly as we got in. Today was going to be one of the longest days I've experienced.

From getting ready for the wedding and from packing up the final boxes for the house. They were mainly pictures I had framed to surprise Patty, but we also had a few last minute items like phone chargers and the like.

This house was less than three blocks away from Arin' and Suzy's. Mainly finding one so close so it was easy for everyone to hang out and in case something went wrong; everyone was right there.

"Hey babe?" Patty asked as we stepped into the house, him setting his phone down.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, closing the door behind us and walking over to the kitchen.

"I-I want to do something with you and it's stupid but I want them gone and-" Patty kept mumbling on before I interrupted him with a soft laugh and saying his name.

"Patrick, babe, what is it?" I asked, and a blush rose on his cheeks as he stared at the ground.

He says his sentence in a rush, staring at the ground and honestly terrified. I pull him to my chest, softly playing with his hair and rubbing his back.

"We are married now and I want to be happy with you. So I thought hard about it and all of my razor blades I want gone, I want to pass them to you and you can dispose of them. Just so I don't know where they are." Patty says into my chest, rubbing his hands on my back before holding my hips.

"Of course baby. I'm so proud of you." I whisper before softly kissing his forehead, "I love you."

Patty sniffles slightly before replying back, "I love you too."

He was definitely the girl in this marriage.

The chapters got shorter because I wanted this to be an even and very satisfying 50 chapters. So I'm kinda stretching it out but the ending will still be adorable.
Give yourself some hugs!
- Kells

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