+-+ Twenty Seven +-+

40 3 13

tw: marijuana and self hatred


"Danny sit your ass down! You are going to make a hole in the ground!" Ross yells from the other side of the room.

"I'm not in the fucking mood for your sass right now." I sass back, biting at my almost nonexistent finger nails.

"Heya Holls." Ross says, walking over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. What's going on love?" Holly asks and I sigh, knowing I needed to tell her.

"I fucked up Holly-" I say, a few tears sliding down my cheeks.

"What happened? I'm getting in the car now." Holly says and I rub my face hard.

"It's a lot to explain. Just get here fast but safe okay?" I say and Holly agrees.

Ross hangs up and points to the couch. When I'm sitting in a blanket, Ross goes to the kitchen area and gets me a Perrier from the fridge.

"You relax alright? I'm going to check on Barry." Ross says leaving the room.

Opening my water, I wrap the blanket tighter around myself. My tears are flowing in thin streaks down my face, my inner self screaming at me.

I'm a failure.

Telling me that I needed to hurt myself. Patty would never forgive me and is probably already on a flight to New Jersey.

You're not loved.

It takes a while for me to move from the couch and go outside to my car. Taking out the lighter, small capsule, and pipe.

Opening the capsule, I see about four nugs of weed that I could easily smoke all of. Breaking apart the first, I start to pack the pipe. I didn't even care who saw me anymore, I was being legal and it kept me from cutting myself.

Knowing that if I cut myself now, I would go too deep. Potentially freaking Patty out more, if he was even in the area or cared anymore.

Once the bowl was loaded, I placed my thumb over the carb and sparked the lighter. Hoping my lungs could handle cashing this bowl in two or three hits. Exhaling, a large cloud of smoke poured out of my mouth and nose.

I reached back to the glovebox and take the razor blade out. Holding the metal in my fingers I cash the bowl and put the blade back.

The passenger side door opening kept me from reloading the bowl. Holly was sitting there, in dead silence as she realised what I was doing.

"I thought you stopped?" Holly asked and I held the pipe tightly in my hand.

"I did but became legalised a few months ago." I say rolling the lighter between my hands.

"Let's go inside and talk about it." Holly says and I agree, putting everything back in the glovebox and following her inside.

"What's going on?" Holly asked and I rubbed my eyes, my mind fogged over.

"Barry took me outside to tell me something. Instead he kissed me and some feeling told me to kiss back- I'm assuming Patty saw through like a window? This is right after he fucking told me about his commitment issues and how guys before have just up and left." I say rubbing my eyes even harder.

"I fucked this one up Holly and I don't know if I can fix it. I fucking love Patrick. I don't want too and can't afford to loose a guy like him." I say removing my hands from my face as the tears start to fall.

Holly is silent for a few moments and she pulls me into a hug. Trying her hardest to calm me down, but right now I wanted Patty. I wanted his hugs, for him to tell me it's all okay. For him to tell me he's not mad and that he will love me through this.

"The couch." Ross said and I looked up to catch a glimpse of Suzy and Arin.

"Hey buddy- you doing okay?" Arin asks sitting next to Holly.

"I feel like shit." I say moving back from Holly and pulling at the skin on my hands.

Arin grabs my face and forces me to look at him. The slight red in my eyes immediately giving it away. Once he lets me go I can see how frustrated he is.

"Patty is at your apartment. He was screaming as we were trying to get him in the car. He didn't want to confront you in a public place- he wants you to come home." Suzy says and I sigh.

"I might as well but I am not driving home. Suzy can you take me and Arin can follow behind to pick you up?" I suggest and Suzy nods taking me outside and to my car.

((Early update because I'm in the mood to write. Remember to love yourself too!
My pm is always open if you need me!
-Kells ❤️ ))

Bong Rips and Blowjobs (A Game Grumps Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ