+-+ Twenty Eight +-+

47 2 2

tw: none


"Be safe. Call me if anything gets really bad." Suzy says pulling into the parking lot by the apartments.

"I'll try. I really want to make this up to him." I say getting the pipe from the glovebox, not wanting it to cook and crack in the heat.

Suzy hands me the keys to my car, hugging me tightly before getting into the car with Arin.

As I'm taking the stairs I fiddle with the keys. I don't know what I'm walking into and I am hoping he didn't do something stupid.

Unlocking the door I hear Patty in the shower. Walking closer I can hear his soft sobs, barely loud enough over the water. I knock on the door before sighing and just leaning against the wall.

"Do you want to talk about this?" I ask and I can hear Patty physically trying to catch his breath.

"Meet me on the couch. And can you make me coffee?" Patty says softly and I walk away.

Setting the mugs on the table I see Patty walking down the stairs. He's in a short sleeve shirt with pyjama pants, the top a faded black with the pants being a black and red plaid.

"What happened?" Patty asked grabbing the mug and holding it in his hands, "I want to know what happened before I saw it."

"Barry said he had to tell me something privately so I suggested we go outside. That's when he kissed me and some part of my body said to kiss him back. So I did. Somehow Arin knew what Barry was planning and ran out to stop it." I say sipping the beverage.

"Arin said that you saw and that's when I really got pissed. I punched Barry in the nose- probably breaking it. He ran inside while Arin was yelling and saying how shitty of a boyfriend I was."

Patty is softly sipping his coffee as I speak. His eyes rimmed with red from crying or smoking, I couldn't really tell.

"I'm not mad. I'm more upset that you kissed him back, is there something about Barry?" Patty asks, sipping his coffee slowly.

"Oh hell no! Patty I don't know why I did what I did and I'm furious at myself." I say, setting the mug down.

"You know how much I love you right? I could never leave you for anyone." I say scooting closer, placing my hand over his.

"I don't want us doing this anymore. I want us to be happy. To know what it's like to be an actual couple that isn't having panic attacks." I say and lace our fingers together.

"We should go on a real date. Just get out and be a real couple." I say and Patty nods a few tears in his eyes.

"I love you too baby doll and I would love that." He moves foreword to press our lips together and in the process moves into my lap.

((More or less some fluff for you. I know this story is kinda all over the place but any questions or criticism is graciously appreciated.
Remember to love yourself!
-Kells ❤️ ))

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