+-+ Thirty Three +-+

30 3 2

tw: none


When the police arrive, an ambulance is with them. Patty grips tightly into my shirt, cuddling into me more, if it was even possible.

"I hate myself for doing this to you guys. You were all such good friends-" Patty mumbles against my chest as he shivers.

"You mean more to me okay? Yeah we were good friends but he did something wrong and I'm not afraid to put him in jail for it." I whisper, softly rubbing his back.

"Can you be like- in the back? If he sees you he will most likely run." Arin says and a doctor walks over to Patty and I.

"I'm Dr. Owen. All we need is a DNA sample and if it's more comfortable your fiancé can do it." Owen says, crouching on the ground in front of us.

"No I'll be fine." Patty says and Arin yells out the direction of the bathroom it being the second door on the left.

Patty and Dr. Owen walk away, Patty knows the office pretty well now. It gives me the ability to walk to Arin and fill in any of the story he may be missing.

"Can you give an inclination to why he was attacked?" An officer asks, writing quickly in a notepad.

"Danny should know more." Arin says and the officer's eyes flicks to me.

"We had just gotten engaged and I'm assuming Barry always had a crush on me. We told everyone at the office at the same time, Barry storming out of the room like a small child. When he stormed out- Patrick when to go calm him down. My mother called so I went outside and didn't know anything was happening till Barry spoke to me." I say and the officer writes a little bit faster to catch up with what I'm saying.

"All he said was, good luck with your cry baby Daniel. I asked what happened and he said that he got what he deserved."

"We will hide out in the hallway and after you fire him then we will come out and arrest him." The officer says before motioning everyone to the far hallway.

Patty and Dr. Owen walk out of the bathroom and Patty comes over and tightly hugs me. I move Patty and I back to the couch, like nothing happened.

"Hey Arin. You wanted to talk to me?" Barry asks, his voice all chipper as if nothing happened. That Patty was an just an easy fuck.

Patty hides his face in my neck, a few tears rolling off his face and onto me. I place a hand on his hip, the other around his back to secure him in my lap.

"Actually yeah-" Arin says, rubbing the back of his neck before chuckling.

"I'm firing you." Arin says bluntly and Barry looks all hurt.

"Don't even fucking try to act all calm Kramer. You know what you did!" Ross chimes in, slamming his hands on his desk.

"You're really going to trust some fag from New Jersey before your best friend?" Barry says, walking over to Ross's desk.

Patty wiggles in my grip, almost wrapping his legs around my waist. Trying to make himself feel comfortable and safe. He's shaking like a small dog as he softly kisses my neck, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Hands up! Do not touch him!" An officer yells running out from the hallway.

Barry puts his hands above his head and I tightly grip Patty, my hands laying on his lower back.

"You have no proof to arrest me! What the fuck Arin!" Barry says as he's getting cuffed.

"Actually they do." Arin says holding up a flash drive.

"Suzy was warming up the microphones to record and got everything on audio file." Arin says handing it over to the police.

"Take him home alright? It's up to you if you come in tomorrow. We have a lot back logged." Arin says as the cops drive off.

"Thanks big cat." I say, Patty climbing out of my lap and grabbing my hand.

((I wrote today at church instead of actually doing the worship. Whoops! So here's another update my loves!
-Kells ❤️ ))

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