+-+ Four +-+

402 5 5

Tw: marijuana and self harm

I walk outside the hospital a little bit after my
Mother had left, wanting to say goodnight to Avi.

Patty had sent me his address, saying that the door was unlocked and I could come right in.

Catching a cab in New Jersey was basically impossible, so the majority of the way to Patty's, I was walking.

"Hey man! Long time no see!" Patty says hugging me tightly.

"Hey. How's your life been? We haven't really talked a lot about it." I say, following Patty to the couch.

The living room was like every normal stoner living room. The table covered in lighters, bags of crisps, and bags of Marijuana. Patty noticed my hesitation and turned me to face away.

"I know you've been free of this for a long time. If I bothers you- I can put it up." Patty says, tucking the faded green hair behind his ear.

"Don't. These past few years have been shitty and I kinda want to smoke." I say hesitantly, and he nods.

"But- I've been good to answer your question. I graduated at college a few months after you did and got a job. Not what I would like to do but you know- have to pay the bills." Patty says, laughing a little.

"Yeah. I never expected my way to pay bills was YouTube but here I am." I laugh along with him.

Patty takes a small pipe off the table along with a bag, "Keep talking while I load something for you."

"There isn't a lot to talk about. I guess I could tell you why I'm here." I say, kicking my shoes off and tucking my legs underneath me.

Patty nods, looking up at me through his long eyelashes. I start to explain why Avi is in the hospital and what he has.

"That fucking sucks Dan. I couldn't imagine getting a call like that." Patty says.

"It kinda made my year even worse- I've had a bad few years." I say, pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

"Do you want green hit? Or do you want me to take it?" Patty asks, and I give it to him.

He nods, taking a light hit and exhaling through his nose. I've always found that smoking was extremely sexy. It brought a new element to how you view someone- like an innocent person could be a bad boy.

I take the pipe from Patty covering the carb with my thumb. I can see that Patty is on edge as I take the lighter to the slightly cooked marijuana and run the flame across. Inhaling and removing my thumb from the carb I cough slightly before exhaling.

"How long has it been?" Patty asks.

"Since college man. I did bum cigarettes every few months but that's different." I say, handing the pipe and lighter back.

"I'm all for marijuana- cigs have always seemed so much. Like all the chemicals and stuff are too much." Patty says, taking a harder hit and exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

"Have you picked up anything else while in California?" Patty asked, passing the pipe to me.

I swallow hard. Not sure of how to bring it up and not crush the vibe of positivity we have. I kept silent, not knowing how to say it without crying. Opening my mouth multiple times really caused Patty to worry.

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