+-+ Thirty Seven +-+

39 5 10

tw: suicide attempt

((Oh shit surprise!))

Danny had given me keys to his apartment months ago, I had the only spare to the apartment. Which now seemed redundant and weird because he had a fiancé who should have the keys.

Unlocking the door felt weird. Danny said it wasn't locked when he left the place earlier. The feeling in my stomach felt weird, like something was wrong on the other side of the door. My hands shaking as I made my way upstairs, running my hand down the wall to steady myself.

"Patrick? Where are you?" I ask, standing in the hall for a moment to try to hear him call back.

With no response I continue down the hall, which seemed to be five miles long when it reality it was about thirty feet. The only light on was for the bathroom, the door was slightly cracked and I was terrified to see what was behind it.

"Patty? You alright?" I ask, knocking on the door.

Without a response I open the door to the worst sight. The bathtub was so close to overflowing with Patty just laying in it, two straight cuts up his arms. The water tinted red from the cuts as they were still bleeding.

"No-no no no. Please Pat- I-" I said running over to the tub and lifting him out.

"Please no- oh my god Patrick-" I sob shaking him hard as I try to get him to respond.

I was sobbing as I laid him back in the tub, freaking out because I didn't know what to do. Getting off the ground I walked to the counter where a note was laying addressed to Danny.

Quickly skimming it, I knew he had been here a while because the pen ink was dry and the blood on the razor blade was easily flaking off.

"9-11 what's your emergency?" A male asked, his voice calm as my breathing was sporadic.

"I came to check on my friends fiancée and I think he's dead. He attempted suicide-" I say panicking as I hold the phone tighter in my hand

"What's the address ma'am? Can you check their pulse to make sure their still alive?" He asks and I sigh.

"The sand shore apartment complexes off of The Freeway. I think the street name is Coral Boulevard." I say, crouching down and pressing two fingers to his neck.

"There's barely anything. I can't feel it but he's still bleeding." I say panicking even more when I can see Danny's face when I tell him.

"An ambulance is on the way ma'am. What apartment number?"

"216. Second floor." I say and stand up to walk around the bathroom, seeing him there only making me worse.

"Ambulance is on their way. Stay with him and keep an eye on his heart rate." The man says before hanging up.

I throw my phone down the hall as I make my way back to the bathroom. Seeing this happen for the second time was terrifying- I couldn't even hear the loud steps on the stairs from paramedics.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" One of the stops as he crouches on the ground next to me.

"This is the second suicide I've witnessed. And I know how much it's going to tear his fiancé apart." I say, my breath and voice shaking and shuddering.

"I'm his coworker. His fiancé is at work right now and I just came by to check on him." I say wringing my hands together.

"His name is Patrick Hamilton. Thirty six years old." I say and he nods, trying to remember everything.

"Call his fiancé and meet us at the hospital. I can't have you ride with us if you aren't family." He says and I nod, he gives me a quick side hug before running out of the building with the rest of the paramedics.

Watching his body be carried down the main stairs terrified me because I had to make the worst call of my life. His neighbours were watching as the ambulance drove away and I didn't know what to do except slam the apartment door.

Before even making an attempt to call, I bolt upstairs to grab the note and place it in my pocket. I get in the car and dial Arin's number.

"Arin?" I ask softly, not even bothering the crank the car.

"Hey. What's going on? You're on speaker by the way." Arin says and I hear Danny say hey, his voice cheerful.

"Arin take me off. I need to tell you something please-" I say, my voice sounding needer than I meant it too.

"What's going on Suze? Are you alright?" Arin asks and I can tell that I'm not in speaker, his voice less echoey than it was when he picked the phone up.

"Can you go to the hospital and meet me in the emergency waiting room? I need to tell you something- But it needs to be in person." I beg and Arin says alright.

"Do I need to bring Danny as well?" Arin asks and I can feel the heartbreak all over again.

"You need to bring him."

(( You can hate me I'm so sorry. But it'll be sad for a little bit then it will be all fluff again.
-Kells ))

Bong Rips and Blowjobs (A Game Grumps Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें