⊱Chapter 11 🗡Death within Life⊰

Start from the beginning

Without thinking about it I pull his head down to my level so I could bring my lips to meet his for a quick peck, "Thank you."

"Anything for you love." He kissed my forehead before releasing my body.

With a renewed sense of purpose I return to Olivianna's side. Moving my father's arm gently away from my sister's head, I quietly say, "Here father, let me." Replacing the cool cloth with my palm I let my magic flow out of me and into Olivianna, dulling her pain and encouraging the birth to accelerate just a bit.

"Avian...." My sister's voice sounded strained and airy.

"What is it dear sister?"

"I need you to promise me something. This is very important to me." Determination gleamed within her eyes.

"Anything for you, sis." placing her frail hand between my own.

"Promise me that if anything should happen to me, you will care for and protect my baby as if were your own." Her voice held a plea.

"What? Didn't you hear me before Olivianna? I promised that nothing would happen to you and I meant it. Don't tell me that you are giving up." Becoming slightly angry with my elder sister.

"No." She shook her head. "This promise is just in case if something does happen. I want to make sure that my baby is taken care of and loved. Please, Avian. You are the only one I can entrust this with, besides father." Her eyes and voice pleading desperately with me.

"Alright. If anything does happen to you, which it won't, I promise to take care of and protect your child as if it were my own." I vow.

She visibly relaxed as though a great weight had been taken off her shoulders, "Thank you." She breathed. "GAAAHHHHHH!!!" Olivianna screamed not a second later, her face scrunched up in pain my magic could not contain.

"Alright Olivianna, the baby's crown is now visible. It is time to push, sweetheart." My father announced.

I supported Olivianna's weight as she struggled to sit up. "You can do it." I encourage her. If I thought her screaming before was painful, then her screaming during the actual birth was torturous. I thought my ears would start to bleed from the high pitched sound she was giving off.

After a few pushes and a couple minutes rest between each one, my father finally says, "Olivianna I know you are dead tired, but I need just one more big push from you. Then that is it. Just one more push."

"I'm so tired daddy." Olivianna whimpers. Sweat making her hair stick to her brow.

"Come on Olivianna, one more push then you can rest." I sooth. She whimpered once more but did as told. "That's it. Almost there."

With a final grunt from Olivianna, the baby finally came out all the way. I expected a fierce wailing but instead only silence was heard. "It is a girl." My father proudly announced. But his joy turned into sorrow within a moment. "I am so sorry, she's still born."

Getting up from where I was behind Olivianna, I gently help her to lay back down onto the bed so she could catch her breath. Tears flooded her eyes as Olivianna softly cried into her pillow. "Giver her to me." Olivianna pleaded, arms reaching out for her new born.

Father wrapped the little girl in a blanket before quickly handing the still bundle to me. Looking at her angelical face I become captivated by the child who should have lived.

In walk back over to Olivianna's side, setting the small bundle within her arms. "Beautiful." She muttered with a smile upon her lips. Her eyes gently roving over every feature of her baby's face as if trying to memorize it quickly, tears still continuously running down her face. Sobs harshly escaping her lips as she cried, her thumb running across a little cheek.

I turned my back on Olivianna as I couldn't bare to see the sorrow on her face. If I still had faced Olivianna I would have seen how her eyes had rolled into the back of her head as she took in her final breath.

Hearing the sobs suddenly cease I whip back around to see that Olivianna had closed her eyes, but her chest never moved. "Olivianna?" I placed my hand just below her nose but there was no air current pushed onto my hand from her breathing.

Panicking when I couldn't feel her breath I moved my hand to her neck. Checking for a pulse. When I found none my panic increased tenfold. "Olivianna! NO! You can't be gone! You can't leave me! Please!" I placed my palm on her chest above her sternum to start CPR, to get her heart pumping again. "Father, she isn't responding!" I openly cried.

Tears pouring down my face unchecked. Her heart never restarted so I reached for my magic in desperation.

A white glow turned golden began to emit, growing stronger when Camron shouted out, "No! Stop her! She is attempting to use magic to bring back Olivianna. If she tries this, then she could die as well!" A pair of arms encircled me trying to tug me away from my sister's still form.

I struggled against the set of arms. Pushing my magic further to try and revive my sister. "No that is my sister!" I cried louder nearly shouting. Another set of arms wrapped around me, cutting off my contact with my sister as they forced my arms down. Trapping me between two people, like a person sandwich.

I glance up to see my father's depressed face, his own eyes full of unshed tears. "Let it go, Avian. She is gone. Her heart could not take the stress anymore." His voice broken, completely emotionless. Now that his favorite was gone.

"No! I promised her I wouldn't let anything happen to her." I wailed, my voice thick with tears. Not accepting that my sister who I had sworn to protect was now gone forever.


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