home alone

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Taehyung slowly sat up rubbing his eyes looking around, "Oh yeah..... I'm alone" He said ruffling his own hair.  Taehyung swiftly got up looking around before letting out a small yawn. "What time is it" he mumbled before looking at the clock witch read 12: 41, Taehyung gasped loudly "how did I sleep in this long?!" He said unable to focus his eyes right.  Taehyung pouted walking out of the room "I don't wanna  be alonneeee~" he whined, but no one was there to look after him so he just went to the kitchen. Taehyung searched the place his stomach grumbling hella bad. "Ehhh? is there nothing to eat?" he pouted once again, "maybe Jung Kook opppa is hiding it from me" he said glaring at Jung Kooks bed room door. "I WILL FIND THE SECRET LOLLYS!" Taehyung yelled running into Jung Kooks room pretty much pulling it apart. After pretty much trashing the room Taehyung collapsed pouting in annoyance, he had one more look at the room before seeing a box under his bed, Taehyung couldn't help but gasp thinking it was the 'lollys' he really wanted. He grabbed the  swiftly putting it on the messy bed. "I think I found it!" he called excitedly, but once he pulled everything out he tilted his eye brows "What the" Taehyung said looking at the collection of 'toys' he layed  out in front of himself. 


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(A.N: and yes I know that's a lot & I don't care, leave if you don't like) 

"What is this?" he said looking at everything in front of him, he didn't know why but he kinda liked the look of all of it. He slowly bit his bottom lip looking around at everything. His thoughts where stopped as his stomach growled loudly causing him to go back to the innocent lil tae. "I'm so hungryyyyy~" he whined walking out of Jung Kooks room & towards Jimin's.     He swung open the door walking in looking around as he realized that he has never been in Jimins room. Taehyung was looking at everything one by one until he realized there was another door in Jimins room, Taehyung opened it thinking it's probably just  a walk in closet but to his surprise it was another bathroom. Taehyung grew a smirk as soon as he saw the bath. Taehyung started running it while he removed his clothes. "HELL YEAH BATH TIME!" he screamed getting in. He was giggling with happiness as he filled it with bubbles as soon. as it was filled he turned off the water and started splashing around, Taehyung was having to much fun in the bath to realize the door handle turning.....

A.N: sorry I didn't update for a while I have been busy with school T^T the chapter is pretty shit but hey I tried alright 

my new room mate (vmin / vkook)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora