room mate chapter 3

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"are you two my new daddies? "
I went quite and just looked at the boy.  His big green eyes looking into mine. His brown bang's slightly covering his eyes.
"well only if you want me to be" Jimin said pushing me aside and smirking at the younger. I quickly hit Jimins shoulder "OW" he yelped, I turned my head to the boy who had a confused look on his face.  I sighed "come in side you must be cold", "OKAY!" He said skipping into the house with his suitcase. Jimin quickly grabbed his suitcase "you can stay in my room" he smirked "ok first if he is staying in your room you are sleeping on the couch" I said "WHAT? WHY~" Jimin whined "why the fuck do you think,  you dumb ass", "hmph!  Your no fun" Jimin replied crossing his arms. "now, where is the kid?" I asked looking around. "I don't know, and don't care. I'm going out for a drink see you later" Jimin said trying to leave. "WELL YOUR NO HELP" I yelled I was starting to get pissed. "you already know it baby" Jimin said leaving the apartment. I ran my hand though my hair,  god I hate that Dick head. Suddenly my thoughts where stopped by the sound of glass braking in the kitchen. OH SHIT I thought while running to the kitchen. Once I got there I saw the younger on the ground covered in a white liquid and a broken glass at his feet. "I'm s-sorry I just wanted some milk" he said tearing up. "oh no no no,  don't cry it's ok,  come on let's clean you up" I said putting the broken glass up and helping the boy up,  " o-ok" tae said wiping his tears. I took him to the bathroom "so you can a shower here" I said as I went to walk away but tae had grabbed onto me "where are you going oppa" I gulped dryly at what he said "your having a shower of course I have to go" I said not daring to look at him.  "b-but it's scary when I'm alone" Taehyung said tugging harder on me.  "come on it will be alright don't worry" I said trying to convince him to shower alone "fine I will just wait until my other daddy gets home he will have a shower with me" Taehyung said pouting....  that's where I lost it there is no way he is going to shower with Jimin,  "take your clothes off" I demanded as I took my own off. 

A.N: hehe you have to wait for the next one 

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