Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance

Start from the beginning

Data quirked his head to one side at that idea. "Are you suggesting that by Hiro going back in time and repeating events, he has essentially created these cracks in the Rift? While I am not sure how probable such an assertion is, I grant that it is theoretically possible."

"He's not just suggesting it," Q spoke up. "Somehow this child has managed to break the time/space continuum." He couldn't help but look at the toddler with a new depth of respect. It took a lot to do something like that, a great deal of power, potential obsession, and, in some ways, stupidity. But he supposed he could overlook that aspect, given the circumstances. "But didn't you say those cracks were slowly healing?" he asked the Doctors.

The newer Doctor nodded slowly. "We did. In fact, just now, I could feel another crack closing." He looked thoughtful as he contemplated this new variable. "By any chance, did Hiro's brain activity spike just now?"

Baymax contemplated the data he'd recorded before answering. "Yes, his neurotransmitter levels also increased dramatically before returning to a more stable level."

The other Doctor stared at his companion, hands now in his pockets. "Are you suggesting what I think you are? Because if you are, that complicates things a bit."

His question was confirmed with a nod. "That's exactly what I'm thinking. For whatever reason, it is entirely possible Hiro is reconnecting the neural synapses his mind severed once he started this timeline. He's reintegrating all of his past timelines into his sub consciousness. And, for whatever reason, it's healing the cracks they originally created in the universe."


Honey Lemon found Wasabi, Picard, and Deanna in the dining room, where they'd gone to finish their meal. Though the sight that met her was far from typical. Each member there seemed to be picking at their food in a distracted manner, as if none of them really had the heart to eat when there were too many unknowns floating above them.

Honey cleared her throat to announce herself. "Um," she said as she edged further into the room, all eyes turning towards her. "We've managed to stabilize Hiro," she announced. "At least for now. Baymax didn't detect any physical injuries so whatever is wrong with him has to be something else."

Wasabi let out a slight sigh of relief. At least that kidnapper guy hadn't actually physically hurt their leader. But that still didn't explain what else was going on. "Is he going to be okay?" he asked.

Deanna observed Honey as the Latino shook her head. She sensed a turmoil of emotions coming from her, including a sense of relief, lingering fear and confusion. "She doesn't know," she answered for her. "Perhaps it's too soon to tell."

Honey nodded. "All we know for sure is he's dehydrated and probably hasn't eaten since he was taken from here. Baymax has him on an IV and feeding tube to try and correct that. Data's still up there with him. And when I left, he was resting comfortably."

Picard stood from his seat, straightening his clothes. "Did they need any assistance?" he inquired, though part of him felt a little squeamish about volunteering. Medicine wasn't his thing, though he could decidedly appreciate its application.

"I don't think so," Honey said with a shake of her head. "I just wanted to let you know." She blinked a few times as she just stood there. "Um... has anyone heard anything about the kidnapper? I don't know what you did with him but did he give you any information that might be useful?"

The captain exchanged glances with Deanna, realizing Honey hadn't been there when Heathcliff and Worf had taken the man off to some room. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I don't know. But Worf is looking into the matter. He and Fred's butler are detaining the man somewhere on the grounds."

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