I ate as Harry pulled out his phone and talked to some people. I didn't feel like listening in, so I didn't.

"Who'd you call?" I asked once he hung up.

"The boys," he answered, slipping his phone into his pocket. "I think they should know Wendy tricked us."

"That's a great idea," I said. "Can I come?"

"Of course. I'd like the lads to meet my new girlfriend."

I smiled, finishing my bacon and setting my plate in the sink. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Don't you want to wash that?" he asked, eyeing the dirty plate.

"I'll take care of it later," I promised. "C'mon, let's go!"

Harry laughed but stood up and grabbed his jacket and his shoes. Then we headed out to my car, and he began driving.

"Are the boys nice?" I inquired, a little nervous to be meeting the boys I spent two years fangirling over.

"Absolutely," Harry answered. "They're the best mates I could've asked for."

I giggled a little at the term "mates." "You're so British," I commented.

He glanced over at me, amused. "You're so Canadian."

"I am, aren't I?" I said, adding, "Eh?" Harry laughed.

We reached the hotel the boys were staying in and parked in the parking lot. Harry and I walked to their room together, and he knocked on the door. I was too shy.

Immediately, the door opened and the boy I recognized as Louis stood there, beaming.

"Harry!" he cried, grabbing his arm and dragging Harry inside. I quickly stepped in after them, closing the door politely.

"Hey, Louis," Harry chuckled. "How's it been?"

Louis shrugged. "Same old, same old."

I looked around and spotted the other three, Niall, Liam, and Zayn, just relaxing.

"Who's this?" Louis inquired, and it took me a moment to realize he was talking about he.

"This is my girlfriend, April," Harry said.

I opened my mouth to say hi, but my throat closed up and nothing came out. I blushed, embarrassed.

"Looks like someone's a fan," Liam noted.

"Yeah, sorry." I found my voice and cleared my throat. "Sorry. I was a huge fan, it's a bit of a shock that I'm actually meeting you guys."

Louis beamed at me. "It's alright. I'm sure you'll fit right in." He turned to Harry. "Why'd you schedule a meeting?"

"Well, because there's something we need to discuss," Harry said, and then he launched into the whole "Wendy tricked us!" speech.

"So," Niall said slowly once Harry finished. "She tricked us into breaking up?"

Harry nodded in confirmation.

"I always knew there was something suspicious about those fan accounts," Zayn muttered. "I wasn't thinking, I guess."

"It's not your fault," I said supportively.

"But that's the thing, it's exactly my fault," Zayn protested.

"No, it's Wendy's fault." I spoke her name with venom. "You guys were just doing what you thought was the right thing to do. You were doing it for the fans."

The boys all nodded, somewhat reluctant to believe my words.

We all sat there in silence for a moment, and then Niall said, "Well, it was nice meeting with you guys again. I have to go." He stood up.

"Hold on a second," I said, and everyone stared at me. "What, that's it? You're just going to leave and never see each other again?"

"What else is there to do?" Liam said sadly.

I looked at them incredulously. "Get back together again, that's what." When they looked doubtful, I said, "Come on! You guys were the biggest boyband in history, and you're just going to let that go?"

"We were the biggest boyband," Louis said, emphasizing "were." "But we're not anymore, obviously for a reason."

"But you could get back together," I argued, not sure why they weren't jumping at the chance. "Everyone would love that."

"I don't know if we could just do that," Zayn said solemnly. "Thanks for trying to help, April."

"No," I said firmly. "There's no way you're all just giving up now! Come on! You were all so devastated about the breakup, and you suddenly think it's okay now? Well, it's not, because now, I can actually do something about it, and I will." I turned to Niall. "When's your next show?"

"Uh, tomorrow," he said timidly. I think I scared them.

I turned to face the rest of the boys. "Tomorrow, all of you will show up at the Rogers Centre, and you will perform as a group. I don't care if I have to physically drag you on stage, you. Will. Perform. Got it?"

"Got it," everyone chorused. I noticed Harry had a slight smile on his face.

"Good. See you all tomorrow!" I walked out of the room, Harry following me.

During the way back to my place, Harry would occasionally glance over at me with that smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Because this might be it," he said softly. "This might be why I held on to the hope that One Direction might start up again for so long. Because it would."


Okay sorry if this sucks but it's late and school's started up again and I have to get up early and ugh all that stuff. Anyways I said I would try and update today, and even though it's almost midnight, I'm counting that as today, so here's your update. You're welcome.


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