Chapter 2 : Meeting the Lynchs

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A/N : Early update because I have a few prewritten chapters and why not?

Chapter 2


Rydel POV

"Family meeting! Everyone downstairs! Now!" Dad called.

Everyone had literally just gotten into bed. And now we're getting called downstairs for a family meeting...?

I went downstairs with my brothers. We all sat on the couch together, wondering why dad called a meeting right now.

I realized mom was crying, and I immediately thought someone died. Except she seemed happy.

I'm so confused.

"I know it's late, and you're all probably wondering what's going on," dad said.

Everyone nodded, and looked equally confused.

"Well, we have something we need to tell you. Your mother and I have been keeping this a secret for a while."

"Is she pregnant?" Ross asked.

Dad laughed, and shook his head.

"No, but... You're actually sort of close. Your mother was pregnant with another child before Rydel was born. We had named him Riker. And something happened at the hospital. He was stolen. We immediately told the police, and they tried everything they could to find him. After a year had gone by, we'd sort of given up. And that's when we decided to have Rydel and the rest of you kids."

"Where is this going?" Ryland asked.

"We just got a call from the police. They found Riker in Colorado."

Mom and dad looked so happy. I looked at my brothers, and they all looked as confused as I felt.

"Wait. So we have another brother?" Rocky asked.

"Yes. Riker is 16, so he's the oldest."

"What's going to happen to him? Is he going to live here?" I asked.

"Yes. The police said they were asking him questions at the police station. And they were going to send him here on a plane tomorrow."

"So we just get a random brother added to our family?" Ross asked.

"I guess you could put it that way."

"That's so awesome!" Ross said.

"Where's he going to stay?" Ryland asked.

"Well... We're going to have to buy another bed. But he can room with Rocky since he has his own room."

"What time is he coming tomorrow?" I asked.

"I don't know. The guy I talked to said he'd let us know."

"This is so exciting, isn't it?" Mom asked.

We nodded. But it was cool. We get another brother.

Riker POV

I was currently laying in a hospital bed, crying. I had my face buried into the pillow so I couldn't see Officer Delaney, who was sitting next to my bed.

The guy that asked me a bunch of questions told Officer Delaney everything. And apparently Officer Delaney is 'on my case' whatever that means. I think it means he's in charge of me.

He made me come here to get tests done from what my dad did to me months ago. It was embarrassing, and I was scared to death of hospitals. 

I was not enjoying myself one bit.

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