chapter - 34

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To hear aboutbthe death of their prince was pure torture to people of mahishmathi. Doubly so to sivagami and devasenas family.

Devasena enters the room to see kattapa bathed in blood while sivagami staring at her bloodies hands with a broken expression.

Kattappa confesses to her about the part he played in the death of bahubali.

Devasena fell to the floor after hearing the news.

Sivagami stands before devasena and falls to her knees begging for forgiveness.

Once again the past Sivagami kneels before devasena begging forgiveness for making her a widow.

Devasena consoles her that otbwas notbher fault and she too was a victim of manipulations.

When bhalla and His father gloats to sivagamo she take the baby from devasena and moves to the balcony to face the public who were waiting for any news about amarendra. She informs them.

"Amarendra Bahubali passed away . "

This shocked them. Some started to cry. Others were looking at rajamatha in doubt.

She continues.

"From this day forth your new king will be


People started to cheer for Bahubali.

Then kattappa comes forward and places mahendras feet on his head.

But anticipating this bhalla had plans for assassinating rajamatha.

While she was escaping with the baby on devasenas request she was shot by bhalla. And everything else was history.

mahishmathi watches the futureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin