chapter - 14

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When the movie restart everyone can see

Third pov

Avantika and Shiva were both asleep near the waterfall. Avantika wakes up and remembers what all happened before she fell asleep. She feels guilty and starts crying.

When they saw this the people began to feel sympathy for her.

Avanthika saw a medical plant which has the power to make  person unconscious. She picks put the flower. Just then Shiva wakes up. He tries to talk to her but before knowing, she pressed the flower against his nose and he becomes unconscious. Crying, Avantika leaves the place.

When she saw this avanthika satrded to repeatedly apologise to mahendra. But he easily changed her mind with a kiss to the surprise of the citizens of past mahizhmathi and kunthala kingdom.

   She wears her normal attire and takes a walk through the forest. It was evening. She didn't realise few men were following her. They were the soldiers of Mahismati.

     They threw a trap on her and she starts screaming as soon as she gets trapped. Two men hold her hands and drag her towards the group of soldiers. A man comes near her, manages to remove the trap above her and slaps her hard.

This made mahendra angry but was calmed by his mother.

  Avantika, whose both hands were held by two men, jumps and kicks the man who slapped her. This time, he hit her hard. He punched her in the stomach. She bends down in pain.

People were appealed by the behaviour of these soldiers.

When shiva woke up he found avanthika was missing and went to search find her. When he found her , the first thing he saw was her getting slapped by one of the soldiers.

      Before they made another move, Shiva hits the man so hard that fell down. Other soldiers come to fight but Shiva immediately takes the sword of that man and starts fighting. Both Avantika and Shiva bravely fight their opponents.

If one were to look closely at the faces of mahendras parents the could see a look full of pride at their offsprings bravery.

   The soldiers were badly hurt. One soldier comes towards Shiva to fight. But he slow downs as soon as he looks at Shiva. He falls into his knees and cries," Forgive me my lord, forgive me my lord"

Shiva was confused. But he leaves the place as there were many other soldiers coming after them.

Devasena POV jr.

She saw her future son fight just like his father.

Shiva was confused. But he leaves the place as there were many other soldiers coming after them.

To cause a distraction he creates an avalanche which kills a lot of soldiers.and shiva uses a broken piece of stone as a makeshift sleigh to escape with avanthika

After they escaped shiva started to treat avanthikas injuries . this causes Avantika to apologizes," I am so sorry Shiva that i left"

Shiva remained silent.

"I had to go. I felt guilty. I have to achieve my targets. I have certain aims to achieve Shiva"

Shiva finally speaks,"You are mine Avantika, your goals, your aims are mine too"

This causes everyone from the past except bhalla and his supporters.

     Shiva looks at her and says,"I dont even know who Devasena is. But if her freedom matters to you so much, i will go and rescue her. I give you my word", saying that he snatches the band her head gave it to her and and ties it to his own wrist and walks out.

Here devasena thanks avanthika for her help in sending mahendra towards his rightful heritage.

Bahubali pov

Bahubali saw this and was happy that his son gets the chance to see his mother .

Next morning, he was rode to the Mahasmati Kingdom. He jumps into the river near the palace and swims towards the walls. He manages to climb the wall and jumps in the backyard of the palace.

Scene change palace :

"How huge is the statue of my dear son?", asks Bhijaladev, the kings  paralysed father.

"150 feet my lord",says the advisor.

"According to the Pandit, tomorrow will be an appropriate day to erect this statue and celebrate the ceremony! Spread the news!"......

Sivagami orders her servants to serve lunch for everyone .

After lunch was over everyone returns to watch the movie..

mahishmathi watches the futureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz