5//Uno Reverse

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I was making random dinosaur noises trying to annoy this random guy. These people took me to a different room after that guy basically interrogated me.

"Shut the fuck up," He glared at me and if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. That wasn't going to stop me though.

"Uno reverse."

I heard something ringing and felt something buzzing, my face lit up. I recognized it as my phone since my ringtone is always a BTS song. I put my hand down my bra and felt it. I know, I'm slow, as soon as I did that my phone was snatched out of my hands.

"Ah, so you hid your phone in your bra."

I quickly run out and open one of the million doors this mansion had. I noticed that it was Mr. I'm-A-Wannabe-Detective's office. I saw something that tore my heart.

I screamed with tears threatening to pour out. They were beating my brother up to the pulp. He looked so messed up, these shitfaces.

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