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For the next couple of weeks I avoided Elena and Zlatan all together when I wasn't doing his physical therapy. She hadn't moved in but she might as well have because she was there all the time. I figured Zlatan had maybe 3 more months of therapy and then I could get the hell out of there.

"Are you okay?" Zlatan asked me as he entered the kitchen. "Yes, why?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "You seem distant and quiet." He said taking a seat at the table. "I'm just here to do a job." I said taking my toast out of the oven. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't hang out." He said shaking his head. "It's better this way, ok." I said sharply as I put my toast on a plate. "Fine then." He said getting up and leaving the kitchen. Mid afternoon I did his physical therapy and then he headed out to hangout with some of his teammates. Which left Elena and I in the house alone.

I was sitting in the living room when she entered. "Can I talk to you about something?" She asked sitting beside me on the couch. "Sure," I said putting the tv on mute. "I want to through Zlatan a surprise birthday party next weekend, will u help me?" She asked pleading. "Um, sure." I said shrugging my shoulders. "That's just great." She said hugging me before she ran off.

The next week or so Elena and I spent time making calls all over town to have everything ready for the party. And she was going all out, inviting his current teammates, friends, and family. The party would be at his house and a few of his teammates would be in charge of keeping him out for most of the day and bringing him back for the surprise. A few days before the party Elena approached me in a wreck because she couldn't think of what to get Zlatan for his birthday. I knew he would appreciate whatever she got him, but I knew there was one thing that would make him the happiest, and so i told her. And the surprise involved me traveling quite a long way.

I arrived at the party with the surprise guests just before it was time for Zlatan to arrive. "He's coming!" Elena shouted running back into the house. A few moments later he entered and we all yelled surprise. He had the biggest smile on his face and I could tell how happy and surprised he was, but that wasn't all. He soon saw the surprise guest and he was in shock and speechless I had never seen him that way before. "Mama." He said approaching his mom and hugging her so tight. I could tell he didn't want to let go. They rarely get to see each other because Zlatan travels a lot and his mother doesn't like to fly so I went to her in Sweden and rode several buses, trains, and cars to get her here. After everything calmed down the party was underway. But I didn't stick around I snuck out shortly after it happened and hung out on the front porch for a bit.

"What are you doing out here, the parties inside." A man asked joining me on the porch. "I needed some fresh air what about you?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "Same, what's ur name?" he asking smiling. "Thai sa, and yours?" I asked. "César Azpilicueta, nice to meet you." He said smiling. "Same to you." I said.

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