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I had just landed at the airport and I was waiting at the luggage claim for him to pick me up. And of course he's late as usual, I paced back and forth in front of the entrance until finally I saw his car pull up. "I don't know whether to hug you or punch you." I said as he got out of his red convertible and ran to help me with my luggage. "It's so nice to see you again." He said hugging me once all my luggage was in the car. "It would of been nice to see you on time." I said snarky as we got into his car and drove off. "Wow, its beautiful here." I said as we drove through the city. "Oh your gonna love Barcelona." Ney said as he turned the music up and sung along horribly.

Ney dropped me off at my apartment but he'd be back in a few hours to pick me up for the team party that's taking place tonight. Most of my furniture had already came which I was happy I didn't have to sleep on the floor. I put all my clothes away in the closet and started looking for something to wear tonight. I decided on a pink off the shoulder dress with some flats. I curled my hair up and soon I got a text from Neymar that he was waiting downstairs in the parking garage. I locked up my apartment and headed down and as soon as I exited the elevator I saw Ney in the drive side of his SUV and a face I hadn't seen in long time seating next to him, Bruna. "I'm so happy to see you two back together." I said as Ney drove off out of the parking garage and into the city. Bruna and I conversation for a bit but then Ney turned up the radio and preceded to make our ears bleed with his singing. We honestly couldn't of arrived to the venue soon enough, Bruna and I basically jumped out of the car once we parked.
I left the love birds alone and headed ahead inside the venue. Once inside I realized that the team had rented out a karaoke bar for the night and I knew it was Neymar's idea. I didn't know who to approach first but I mean I knew all of them by name and some of them personally. I ordered a drink from the bar and glanced around the room to see if there was anyone I knew that I could go talk to but then I saw them standing in the corner of the room. Rafinha and Marc, I knew Rafinha because he played on the national team but we never really talked so I wouldn't call us friends. I decided to go over and say hey anyway though. "I'm surprised to see you here." Rafinha said as I approached him and Marc. "You two know each other?" Marc asked chiming in. "Yeah, we have mutual friends." I said shrugging my shoulders. "So, what brings you to Barcelona?" Rafinha asked curiously. "I'm a Doctor for FCB now." I said happily. "Oh yeah that's right Thiago was always bragging about how you were gonna be a doctor and you did it." He said raising his glass to me. "Well, do me a favor occupy Rafinha here while I get back to my girlfriend." Marc said smiling as he walked over to a blonde at the bar. "Thank God." I don't have to third wheel anymore." He said As we walked over and sat at a table together. "Yeah, that's always the worst." I said making a face as Ney came up to sing on stage. "Get you phone out you will wanna relive this moment." Rafinha said smiling as he took a sip of his beer. Neymar picked some popular song to sing and the whole crowd was historically and I was in tears. "I told you it'd be epic." Rafinha said as he reached across the table and wiped my tears away. "I'm gonna go put in an order for hot wings." I said getting up to leave the table because things were heating up between Rafinha and I....

unexpected | psgWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt