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The next day I thought I'd get started early with Zlatan's physical therapy but he wanted to stay in bed and yelled at me every time I had tried to wake him. So, I had to do something drastic I went down to the kitchen and filled a pot with ice cold water and then I walked back up to his room and threw it on him. And then he woke up really quick. "What the hell!" He yelled out. "Get dresses and meet me outside in five minutes." I said leaving the room before he could respond.

Four minutes later Zlatan was walking out from his house. "So what are we doing out here?" He asked in annoyance. "We are exercising your knee." I said as I started walking with him following. We walked for awhile in silence but eventually he spoke up. "What have you been doing since the last time I saw you?" He asked and I could hear the innocence in his voice. "Well, I moved back to London and started working at a pediatrics office." I said as we got back closer to reproaching his house.  "And are you and Rafinha still together?" He asked. "No, we aren't." I said as we made it back to the house. Just then a BMW pulled up and a blonde got out of the car. "It's so good to see you outside." She said hugging Zlatan in a way that meant more than friends. "Uh, Elena this is Thausa." He says introducing us. "Nice to meet you sweety." She said which rubbed me the wrong way. "She's helping me out with my physical therapy." He added. "Oh great, well lets head inside I'll cook dinner." She said making her way inside the house. "So, you have a girlfriend now." I said as more of a statement. "Actually she's my fiancé." He said and immediately I felt sick to my stomach. "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit, I'm gonna go on another walk." I said jogging off before he could object.  It was getting pretty dark out so I probably shouldn't be out walking alone so I caught a cab to a local restaurant. I ate dinner alone there and just watched a soccer game there. After that it was pretty late so I headed back to Zlatan's house. I let myself in through the front door in hopes that I wouldn't run into Zlatan or Elena. But half way down the hall in the living room I see them on the couch all cuddled up and I couldn't help but feel a certain way about it. I quickly headed upstairs to my room and closed the door. I guess Zlatan had moved on but I wasn't willing to believe that just yet.

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