first day

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the next day I woke up bright and earlier for work, and made myself coffee. i left thiago a note letting him know Im taking an uber in to work. when I arrived at the training center it was pretty lively, and all the other sports doctors were there preparing for the day. my boss showed me around the equipment and my office. once I was done setting up I set out to find the boys. A few were hanging out in the lounge taking a break between practice sessions. "Prima!!" Thiago yelled as I entered the room causing everyone to look my way. I headed over to his table where him, David, Marquinhos, and Lucas were playing cards. "It's seems the Brazilians are sticking together." I said smirking as David patted on his knee for me to sit with him. "Join me." He said smiling and without thinking I sat on Davids lap which wasn't out of the normal for us. The guys continued on to play cards and of course David and Thiago bickered the whole entire time. Eventually more guys started to come into the lounge including Zlatan. Immediately I tensed up and my whole mood changed and I didn't know why. "Were there no more chairs available?" Zlatan asked approaching me and immediately I got defense. "Yes, but David's more comfortable." I said a little irritated. "Can I talk to you in the hall, please?" He asked and I could tell he was annoyed. "Sure." I said following him out into the hall. "Do you really thinking it's professional of you to be sitting on David's lap?" He asked with an attitude." Don't make this about work just admit that your jealous." I said getting even more annoyed. "Whatever, I don't need this." He said marching away. I took a few seconds to calm down and then I headed back in, this time sitting in a chair. "Lovers quarrel?" David asked where only I could hear. "No." I said giving him the death glare.

I spent most of the rest of my day in my office trying to get my mind off what happened earlier. I was typing reports when I got a knock on the door. "Come in." I said not looking up from my computer screen. "Thaisa, I need you to do physically therapy on Zlatan he's waiting in the exercise room." Blanc said and he was gone just as quickly as he entered. I took a long sigh and gathered up my equipment and headed down the hall. When I entered the room Zlatan was already laid out on the table with his headphones so I guess we wouldn't be doing any talking. I took him through the different exercises and it was over before I knew it. I was cleaning up and he was heading out. "Do you like him?" He asked me all of a sudden as he was standing at the doorway. "David, omg no." I said laughing at just the thought. "Look I'm sorry about before." He started off. "No, you were right about the professional thing." I said shaking my head. "And you were right I was jealous." He said smirking before he exited the room.

unexpected | psgحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن