worse behavior

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It's been a few days back at work and I was trying my best to avoid David and Zlatan. I mean not that they wanted to talk to me anyway. But tonight Bella was throwing Thiago a surprise birthday party and I couldn't miss that so I'd be forced to be in a room with them both. After work I headed straight home to help Bella set up the decorations and everything while the boys occupied Thiago's time. Once everything was set up outside I headed upstairs to put on a dress that I had borrowed from Bella since I hadn't had time to go shop for my own. Soon guests started to arrive one by one and every time the doorbell rung I felt anxious thinking it was one of them. Soon the backyard was filled up with people and Thiago would be arriving at any moment. So, Bella went inside to lead him out to the backyard. Five minutes later they appeared together and the look on Thiago's face was pure happiness and surprise. Soon, the party was underway and I found myself with a class of champagne in one hand wandering around the party. Until I spotted them but the crazy thing was they were talking to each other but it looked like things weren't going so well. I started to walk closer to them so I could hear what was going on. "She probably sleeps with all her friends." Zlatan said and I could tell he was drunk and before I could make it over to them David had punched him right in the face. And immediately all hell broke lose, Thiago grabbed David and Maxwell grabbed Zlatan who headed out to leave with him. I followed David and Thiago inside and I ran to get the first aid kit. When I came back I found them sitting at the kitchen table talking quietly about something. Thiago let me take his seat and went back to join the party while I fixed up David's hand. "Are you okay?" I asked as I wrapped the last bandage around his knuckles. "What do you think?" He asked in a snappy tone. "I don't know what you want for me." I said desperately as I finished bandaging his hand. "You know what I want." He said kissing me on the forehead before he headed out the house.

A few seconds later Thiago came back into kitchen and sat with me. "We need to talk." He said in a serious tone as he ran his fingers through his hair. "What is it?" I asked knowing that whatever it was it sounded pretty serious. "Before I would keep my opinion to myself but now it's affecting the team so as the captain I have to seem up. "Pick one of leave them both alone." He said with a stern tone and I could tell that he was serious. "And as my cousin?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "Follow your heart prima." He said before he headed back out to join the party.

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