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The next week went by without a hitch everything was great at work and Rafinha and I have had several dates here and there. Zlatan still called here and there but I made it a point to keep the conversations pretty short.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" Rafinha asked as he walked out the bathroom from the shower. "Of course." I said shrugging my shoulders as he smiled and pulled me in close to kiss me. "I have something for you." He said reaching inside his duffel bag. He pulled out a Barcelona jersey with his name and number on the back. "I would like it if you would wear this tonight." He said giving the jersey to me. "People are gonna think that we are a couple." I said confused because we hadn't actually talked about what exactly we were to each other. "What if we were to be a couple." He said pulling me in close to his bare chest. "I need time to think about it." I said shrugging my shoulders. "That's fine but I'll see you tonight." He said putting on his clothes and letting himself out.

I arrived to the game and headed to the tunnel to make sure all the medical equipment we might need was on standby. I decided not to wear Rafinha's jersey because I felt like things were moving too fast between us. After I made sure everything was were it was suppose to be I headed to the bench and sat with the other staff. Soon the game was underway and it was already pretty intense from the start. When it got close to half time Rafinha had a bad run in with Marc and they needed medical attention so I ran on the field along with another co-worker. Rafinha had a pretty bad gash on his forehead so I bandaged him up and he wanted to continue the match so I let him. I knew injuries could happen in the game but I wasn't prepared for it to happen to Rafinha. It's like when I saw him hit the ground my stomach just dropped.

It was hard watching the rest of the match and I was glad when it was over. I met Rafinha in the parking garage and drove his car to his house. "How are you feeling?" I asked him as I was stuck in traffic. "I could be better." He said shrugging his shoulders. "When I get you home I'll have you feeling better than ever." I said smiling and I held his hand at the traffic light.

When we finally made it to Rafinha's place I changed his bandage and gave him some aspirin to help with the pain. "We should order Chinese." He said as we sat on the couch watching tv. "I'll call in the order." I said scrolling through my phone for the number. Forty minutes later the delivery guy came with the Chinese and Rafinha and I were seating around the coffee table eating our food with chop sticks. We were actually in the middle of laughing and taking when suddenly I got the urge to through up and I had to run to the bathroom. A couple of seconds of being in the bathroom hung off the toilet, Rafinha enters. "Are you okay?" He asked as he holds my hair up. "I feel better now." I said as I wiped my mouth off. "Here you go." Rafinha said handing me a new toothbrush. "Thanks." I said as I proceed to get that foul taste out of my mouth. Rafinha didn't leave my side for the rest of the night and we ended up falling asleep together on the couch.

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