Twenty Eight

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"What should we do about Maddy babe?" Ally asks taking a seat next to me with a bowl of popcorn.

"I don't know" I said grabbing the tv remote and turning on the tv.

"Mitch you should at least know what to do, you were there when she was with Henry" Ally said grabbing a handful of popcorn and putting it in her mouth.

"She wasn't this miserable with Henry" I said.

When she found out about Henry she cried a little bit but got over him a couple days later.

But with this thing with Connor she's staying in her room not even letting anyone in. She stays in her dark room watching Netflix the whole day.

"I feel like we should call someone" Ally said.

"I know who" I got out my phone and called the person I feel she would open up to.


"Hey Sidney what time is your flight landing?" I asked.

"In about an hour why?" I guess Sidney doesn't know about Connor.

"Maddy needs you" I said. I want Maddy to be the one to tell him everything.

"What happened?" He sounded worried.

"Just come home really quick" I said before hanging up.

"Are you really letting him worry like that?" Ally said.

"I just feel like she would be more comfortable talking to him" I said putting my arm around Ally as I put on a movie.


I hate everyone.

I hate myself.

I've been stuck in my room the whole time because i'm scared to face anyone.

For some reason the whole world knows that Connor and I broke up but what they didn't know was that he broke up to be with his high school ex.

Instead he told this fake story saying that we both weren't ready.

I've been puking non stop this whole day.

Must be something I ate.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled not even caring who's at the door.

"Maddy it's me let me in" I hear Sidney's voice.

I reply with nothing.

He opens the door slowly, he walks in and closes it.

He walks towards me taking a seat on the side of my bed.

Right there I cried, I couldn't take it.

Sidney held me in his arms.

I only have three people in my life, Sidney, Ally and Mitch.

Even my parents don't care about me.

My parents were basically abusive.

They would abuse me every time Sidney wasn't there.

Sidney found out when he accidentally walked in on me putting makeup over my black eye.

Sidney immediately took action and took me out of the house letting me move here in Pittsburgh with him.

I only tell two people about my problems. Sidney because he's my brother and Mitch because he is my best friend from high school. Even though Ally is my friend for some reason I don't feel comfortable telling her things considering we only met over a year ago.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Sidney asked.

"C-Connor" I managed to say through my tears.

"Did he break up with you?"

"N-No I b-broke u-up with h-him" I said wiping the tears off my face.

"Was it because of someone else?" He asked as I nodded.

"I'm going to kill that kid" Sidney said "No one hurts my little sister!"

"Please don't hurt him" I cried out.

"He hurt you and left you and I bet he's not even fighting for you. Why don't you want me to fight him?" Sidney was curious.

"Because" I said without any explanation.

"Because what?" He crossed his arms.

"Because I love him!" I cried out as I stood up and feel to my knees.

Sidney kneels next to me giving me a hug.

I love that son of a bitch

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