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"Are you on your way?" I said on my phone as I walk down the stairs.

"Yeah we are about to pull up now" Ally answers.

"Okay meet you outside in a sec" I hanged up the phone and went into the kitchen to find Sidney on his phone.

"Hey sis where are you heading?" Sidney asked as I grabbed my purse that was on the kitchen counter.

"Ally, Mitch and I are going over to see Connor" I said to Sidney as he just nods his head.

I grabbed the house keys and was about to head out but instead I turned around.

"Sidney can I ask you something?".

"Sure what is it Mads" he responds back.

"How do you feel about Connor and I dating?? I want your honest opinion" I asked Sidney.

"My honest opinion?" He said as I nodded my head "To be honest I don't think it's a good idea. I mean he's a very popular young NHL player and you never know what he's going to do, he might cheat on you".

"But your also an NHL player, you know how it feels to be in that situation"

"Maddy this is honestly your decision if you want to date him. Don't listen to me or anyone else, listen to your heart. I don't care if you date him or not, as long as you're happy"

"Thanks Sidney" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. I hear a loud honk from outside.

"That's Ally and Mitch" I said as I broke apart from the hug. I waved goodbye to Sidney and headed out the front door.

"Took you long enough" Ally said as I got into the car.

"Sorry I had to ask Sidney a very important question" I said as I buckled my seatbelt "Let's go!"


"Come on in!" Connor said as we walked into his hotel room.

"Thanks for inviting us" Mitch says as we all took a seat on the couch.

"I just wanted to relax for the last day before the playoffs" Connor said grabbing the drinks out of the mini fridge and handing it to every one of us.

"Aw and you wanted to spend it with us" Ally said as Connor took a seat next to me.

"Of course you guys are my best friends" He answers as all of us pay attention to the tv.

I just sat there thinking if I should tell him my decision. Ally nudges every 5 minutes and tells me to tell him but I'm nervous.

"Connor can I talk to you in private?" I ask him.

"Sure let's go in the washroom" he responds as we both got up and headed to the washroom. I turned around and saw Ally clapping her hands in excitement and Mitch giving me a thumbs up.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Connor closed the door so we had a little more privacy.

"About last night, your question" I say as he looks at me like he wants to know the answer "I've made my decision".

I took a deep breath and nodded my head "Yes Connor I would love to me your girlfriend".

Before I knew it I was picked up from the ground and pulled into a hug.

"Thank goodness I thought you were going to say no" Connor said in relief with the biggest smile on his face.

Connor put me back to the ground. We both stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

"May I?" He asked.

"Connor you don't have to ask you're my boyfriend now" I said as Connor places his hands on my waist and pulled me in for a kiss, I placed my hands around his neck.

"Yay!" We heard from the other side of the door.

"They are probably making out right now" another voice spoke from the other side.

Connor and I broke apart from our short kiss. I told him to stay quiet as we approached the door. I opened it and saw Mitch and Ally fall onto the floor.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat as I looked down to the two idiots.

"I lost my earring!" Ally played it off and pretended to look for her earring.

"And i'm helping her" Mitch followed Ally's actions and pretended to search everywhere for it.

"Ally you are wearing your earrings" Connor points out as they both stopped.

"Well I brought another pair" Ally tried to save herself.

"I guess it's not here love, let's check in the other room" Mitch says as he grabs Ally's hands and quickly went out.

"Shall we" Connor grabs my hand and leads me back to the main room.

"We found it!" Ally smiled awkwardly.

"Ally we knew you two were there listening to us" I said to her as her awkward smile went away.

"Ally made me so i'm innocent" Mitch said putting both his hands up just to be slapped by Ally in the arm.

"It's okay" I told them.

"Good now can we go back to watching tv" Ally said as Connor and I agreed. We both sat down as Connor placed his arm around me.

I cuddled into his chest, I immediately felt safe in his arms. Connor played with my hair for a little bit as Mitch put on a movie.

"Can you order pizza?" Connor asked Ally as she nodded her head.

"But you're paying" She says back as she dials the number.

"What am I going to do without you here for about 2 months?" I asked Connor.

"Don't worry i'll try my best to FaceTime you everyday and who knows maybe i'll face your brother's team in the finals" Connor reassures me.

"Can you guys keep it down, you know there are other people here that want to watch this movie" Mitch says.

"Okay Mitch whatever you want" I say as I start to feel tired.

I guess Connor noticed it because he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around us.

What a perfect way to end a day being with your best friends and your boyfriend

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