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I am woken up by my annoying alarm, I turn it off and get up from my bed.

I hear the front door open from downstairs so i'm assuming that Sidney is home or someone came in that I didn't know.

"SIDNEY?!" I yelled but I got no response.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I grab the nearest thing to me which happens to be my hair straightener.

I hear it coming closer to my room, I stand by the door so when it opens I can just bang that person in the head.

The door opens and I attack the person.

"AHH!" The person says as the straightener nearly hits his head.

"Mitch?" I said as I calmly put the straightener down on my bed.

"What the heck was that for?? I almost got my head knocked out" Mitch asked.

"Sorry but when I hear the door open and I get no response, I tend to overreact" I said.

"Sorry but I wanted to surprise you" Mitch said.

"With what?" Mitch grabbed something out of his hands.

"What are those?" I pointed to his hands.

"2 Plane tickets to Edmonton" He said as I smiled.

"You mean that we are going to Edmonton to see Connor?" I asked as he nodded.

"THANK YOU!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"No problem and don't tell Connor that we are going" Mitch warns me.

"So when are we going?" I asked as Mitch gave me my plane ticket.

"In 5 hours" he tells me as my eyes go wide.

"5 hours?!? I have no time to pack!" I said as I rushed to my closet and grabbed a luggage.

"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you earlier but Ally told me to keep it a secret" Mitch says as I stuff clothes into my luggage.

"Why isn't Ally coming with us?" I asked.

"She said that her brother is coming into town and she had to stay here" Mitch says as I nodded and continued to pack.

"If you need me i'll be downstairs and I suggest to wear a new outfit, I don't think Connor likes his girlfriend to show up at his game in PJs" Mitch points out before leaving my room.

I put on and outfit and I surprisingly packed everything in 20 minutes.

I grabbed my passport and anything I missed and headed out my room.

"20 minutes that's impressive" Mitch comments as I walk down the stairs.

"I know right" I said.

"Well let's go" Mitch opens the door.

"Edmonton here we come!!" I exclaim.


"I didn't know there would be traffic!" Mitch says as we quickly race through the airport.

We were stuck in traffic for 4 hours and now we could possibly miss our flight.

"What gate is it?" I asked him as he looked at the tickets.

"Gate 5B" he said as we looked around.

"There it is" I said pointing to it, we quickly rushed over there.

"Miss are we late?" Mitch asked the lady.

"Just made it" she says as Mitch and I cheer "Hope you enjoy first class" she finishes scanning our tickets.

"First class?" I didn't know that.

"No need to thank me just thank me at your wedding" Mitch says as I hit him lightly.

We find our seats but unfortunately I sit next to Mitch.

"Ugh you again" I whined.

"Sorry that you can't get away from this hotness" He said.

"Hotness where?" I looked around me until I felt a light tap on me.



We sat down and relaxed for 5 hours until we landed.

Surprisingly sitting next to Mitch wasn't that bad except for the fact he kept stealing my food and sang along to Rihanna causing me not to sleep.


"Connor's calling me what should I do?" I asked Mitch as we settled in our hotel room.

"Um answer it and don't act suspicious" Mitch directs me as I answer Connor's call.

"Hey babe" I greeted him.

"Hey" he says back sounding depressed.

"Connor what happened?"

"I miss you" he says making me smile.

"I miss you too" I said, I looked over at Mitch who pretended to puke.

"Can I FaceTime you, I want to see your beautiful face" he said as I start to panic.

"No!" I said as I realized what I said, Mitch throws a pillow in my face.

"Why?" Connor asked me as I tried to ask Mitch what to do.

"Uh i'm busy right now" I lied.

"With what?"

Ugh Connor and his questions

"I'm planning Ally's birthday present"

"Oh then I won't bother you besides I have to go" Connor says as I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay goodnight babe" I made a kiddy sound.

"Goodnight sweetie pie" he repeated the same noises to me.

I hanged up and see Mitch looking at me.

"Really Ally's birthday present?!" Mitch says.

"Well it's half true, her birthday is in 2 weeks" I said "I was planning on getting her gift here"

"I need help with my gift" Mitch looks at me hinting he needs me to help him.

"Fine but you own me" I said to him.

"Yay thank you" he kisses me on the head before running into the washroom.

I still wonder how he is still my best friend

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