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"What outfit should I wear today?" I asks myself as I look in my closet.

I couldn't decide on an outfit so I call Ally to see if she can help me.

"Hey Mads what's up?" She asks in a exhausted voice.

"Mitch keep you up all night?" I teased her.

"No he didn't" Ally says in a louder voice.

"Babe can you be more quiet" I hear a voice coming from the back.

"Hey Mitch" I knew that was his voice.

"Oh hi Maddy" Mitch answers.

"Okay Maddy I know what you are thinking about so can you please stop and let me help you with your outfit problem" Ally said as I scanned through my clothes.

After minutes of talking on the phone with Ally I found a nice outfit for today.

"MADDY CONNOR'S AT THE FRONT DOOR!!" I hear Sidney yell from downstairs.

I grab my purse and head downstairs to see Connor in my living room sitting on the couch.

"Hey Connor" I greeted him with a hug.

"Hi Mads" he says hugging me back.

"Should we get going i'm hungry" I said to Connor as he nodded his head.

"Have fun kids!" Sidney says as we walk out the door.


"So where are we heading?" I asked him as we stopped at a stop light.

"We are going to a baseball game that's happening down the street" he replies to me.

We arrive to the stadium where the baseball game was happening. We took our seats right after they sang the national anthems so we didn't miss anything.

"Connor i'm going to the restroom" I say to him as I got up and walked to the restroom.

I walked in and went into a stall, I then heard some girls walk in. I guess they didn't notice that I was in here.

"Did you hear that Connor Mcdavid is here?"

There was a little hole on the stall door so I looked through it and saw two blond girls fixing their hair.

"Yeah and he looks so hot" I can see both of them basically drooling over Connor.

"And that girl he is with is Sidney Crosby's sister"

"Ew why is that bitch with him?"

"I bet he is only with her because of her brother. If Crosby wasn't her brother they wouldn't be hanging out, she's practically a nobody"



I walk over to my locker to get my textbooks for next class. I can hear the sounds of high heels coming my direction.

"Oh look it's the ugly bitch from the east" The mean girl Jessica said.

"Why don't you go back to where you belong" Jessica's bestie Grace said.

"You're are only known because your brother plays in the NHL now take your ugly ass back home where you belong, you're a nobody" Jessica says to while she knocks down the books that were in my hands.

Jessica and Grace laugh and walked away from me as I have to pick up the papers that fell from my books off the ground.

"Mean girls right?" A guy asks me as I look up at him and nod.

"Here I'll help you" he gets down with me and helps me with the textbook and papers.

We both successfully picked up everything, we both got up as he handed me my things.

"Thanks" I said to him as I grabbed my things from his hand.

I didn't catch your name" he said to me.

Maddy, Maddy Crosby" I put my hand out.

"Mitch, Mitch Marner" he shakes my hand as I smile at him.

That was the day I met one of my best friends.

End of flashback

"Let's go before someone comes in here" one of them says as they both leave the restroom.

I get out of my stall and look at myself in the mirror, I can feel some tears forming in my eyes.

Why don't people like me??

I wipe my tears and wash my hands, I head out the door. I walk back to my seat to see Connor with a worried look on his face.

"Oh good you're back, I thought you ditched me" Connor took a deep breath as I sat down.

"Don't worry I won't leave you" I said to him as he smiles at me.

I smile back at him before having our attention back to the baseball game.

If only he knew what happened in the last 10 minutes

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